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without the express written permission from the
No Ordinary Joe webmistresses prior to posting.

"He's a mountaineer, recovering from the emotional effects of a terrible accident in the Himalayan peaks. He meets Alice on a crowded street. It is one of those rare occasions of total chemistry, when the impact they have on each other leads to passion very quickly. This starts as a passionate love story and develops into a thriller. Somehow you only remember the stories of great passion which self-destruct; you remember the the tragedy of lost love. From the first shot where Adam and Alice meet, it is a beautiful love story which goes tragically wrong."

"It's important that you build trust and a rapport, because as it gets more intimate you get more vulnerable. There has to be a chemistry, basic psychological skills and negotiation. Heather Graham is great, very easygoing. She's got a wicked sense of humor. We giggled a lot. It's rather like going to see a headmaster who is shouting at you and your first reaction is to giggle in order to break the tension."

Japanese Programme Photos

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Martin Luther

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