Making Jesus The Lord of My Life

Lesson 2

Introduction: In connection of this lesson read Romans 12, Ephesians 4, Colossians 3.

Jesus gives us a whole new way to look at life, with new things to live for. 


  1. How would you describe the lifestyle of a Christian.   2 Cor 5:17; Rom. 2:12




  1. What is the greatest commandment of the Lord to Christians? Mat. 22:35-38



    1. If I love God, What will I always try to do? _______________________________


    1. If I love God, what are two things I will always try to avoid doing? 


Eph. 4:30 _______________________  1 Tim. 6:1 ___________________________

    1. What is the main purpose of my life as a Christian? Mat. 5:16



  1. What is the Lord’s second great commandment to Christians? Mat. 22:39


    1. If I love others as myself, what are two things that I will avoid doing?


Rom. 13:10 ________________________Mat. 18:6-7 _________________________

    1. If an activity or style I enjoy creates problems for another person and causes him to sin, what should my attitude be? 1 Cor. 8:13; 10:31-33; and Romans 14:21


  1. I belong to Holy God, therefore my life must be holy.  1 Peter 1:15-16; Hebrews 12:14

2 Cor. 7:1

1. What will (do) my old friends think of me now that my life is changing?  1 Peter 4:4



2.      It will take ______________ & ________________ to follow the Lord and keep his commandments.  John 1:6-8

3.      Though my family, friends and my past experiences make it hard to follow Christ, what choice am I still responsible to make?  Rom. 6:12-13


4.      Where can I learn how God wants me to live?  2 Tim. 3:16-17; Psalm 119:105


  1. In my baptism, I was joined with Christ in His death and resurrection           (Romans 6:1-4).  What should this really mean to me? (please read Romans 6:6-8;  17-18, and fill in the blanks)


I have ______________ with Christ, but I know I will also _______ with him.  My old


sinful self was __________________ with Christ.  It is as if I am _____________ to sin but


_____________ to Christ.  I am no longer a servant of ________________ but a servant of



  1. From Ephesians 4:22- 5:18, list things the Lord wants us to “put off”.







Why does God want to take away these things from our life once we have made Jesus Lord?  Deuteronomy 5:29; John 10:10

  1. List the things that God wants us to “put on”.  Colossians 3:12-15; Galatians 5:22





    1. As I grow in these things, I am becoming more like what?  Gal. 2:20; 4:19


    1. Why is it important to fill my life with good in place of the evil that was once in it.



  1. How can I overcome the temptation of my old nature?
    1. “Burn Bridges” to the past

a.       What did the Ephesian Christians do when they turned away form witchcraft?  Acts 19:18-20

(do I have things that I shold get rid of?)

b.      Do my friends and the places I go make it harder for me to resist sin? 

1 Cor 15:33  _________________________________________________________

c. I should be willing to part with the activities and friends that cause me


to sin even if it is as hard as losing a ____________, _____________, or

 _________ from my body.  Matt. 18:7-9

    1. Keep your heart and mind clean.

a.       Where does sin start? Matt. 15:19_________; James 1:13-15______

b.      Why are the wrong kind of clothes, books, magazines, music, movies, TV, and conversation so damaging to my Christian life? Prov. 4:23


c.       What must I do about my thoughts-life now that I am under the Lordship of Christ?  2 Cor. 10:5; Philippians 4:8


d.      Jesus teaches me to deal with sins such as murder and adultery at what


stage? Mat. 5:21-28 ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________

e.       At what point in their development do you think wrong thoughts are 


easiest to deal with?________________________________________

f.        While I am doing my best to keep my thoughts clean, what should I


ask God to do? Ps 51:10 ___________________________________

    1. Get help from God

a.       What can I put inside my  heart and mind to help me overcome sin?


Ps 119:11 ______________________________________________________

b.      Who will help me “put to death” the sins of my old nature?


Rom. 8:13        _____________________________________________________

c.       How can I continually be filled with the Holy Spirit? Luke 11:13;


Colossians 3:16            _____________________________________________________

    1. Strength the new nature

a.       What should I do, as for as possible, about any wrongs I have done against people which have not been cleared up?  Matthew 5:23-24



Lev 6:4 ____________________________________________________

b.      What should I do if I hold any resentments against people form the past (including parents, mate or family members)?  Mark 11:25



c.       What is food for my new nature to grow on.  Mat. 4:4 ____________


d.      Who will make me be like Jesus? Gal. 5:22-23___________________

e.       Who in the Church has God given to help me grow? Eph. 4:11-13                    

f.        What else will keep me close to God & make me strong?  Eph. 6:18


g.       Where can I go to find encouragement to over come temptation like


Jesus? Heb. 10:24-25 ______________________________________


h.       What has God promised to those who use these helps? 1 Cor. 10:13
















Lesson 3