Deep in Mossflower woods, the wildcat warlord Verdauga Greeneyes lies ailing in his massive castle, Kotir. He has ruled over the woodlanders with an iron fist for some time, but now his own daughter, Tsarmina, with the help of Fortunata the Vixen is trying to murder him. They suceed, and Verdauga's pleasant son, Gingivere, is blamed and thrown into the dungeons. Around this time, two mice, an outsider named Martin, and the mousethief Gonff, have been captured. They escape aided by the Corim, or the Council Of Resistance In Mossflower, and go to Brockhall, the ancestral home of Bella the Badger. There, a plot is hatched to end the days of Kotir, and Martin, Gonff, and the mole Dinny head of to get Boar the Fighter, father of Bella. It is believed that he will know how to defeat the wildcat Empress. Upon arriving at Salamandastron, the Badger mountain, a great battle takes place. Boar is kille by searats, but not before he can make Martin a beautiful new sword. Martin and his friends steal the searat ship, and sail for Mossflower. They get there to find that tunnels have been dug from the river to Kotirs dungeons, and the flooding that was planned was not going well. Fortunatly Gingivere had managed to escape with the help of the Otter, Mask. Mask, however, died in his rescue attempt, but will always be remembered. The searat ship is sunk in the river, and the subsequent damming causes the tunnels to fill in rapidly. In no time at all, Kotir is no more than a memmory. Martin finishes of Tsarmina, but is severly injured in the process. He is cared for by Abbess Germaine of Loamhedge, and makes a full recovery. Gonff weds his beloved Columbine, and Martin oversees the construction of a fabulous place, an Abbey where all can live in peace. The great Abbey of Redwall. Return to Brother Durwood's