Kinship of Ronald Lynn DeFries Name Birth date Relationship with Ronald DeFries ? Wife of the 5th great-grandfather ? Wife of the 5th great-granduncle ?, Jacqueline 11th great-grandmother ?, Nancy Jane 2nd great-grandmother 3rd great-grandmother ?, Orissa March 22, 1881 Great-grandmother Albers, Debra Jolene Wife of the 3rd cousin Aubertin, Marie Abt. 1544 11th great-grandmother Bamns, Temmetje Flaesbeck Wife of the 8th great-granduncle Barker, Maria Wife of the 6th great-granduncle Beason, Lillie October 14, 1915 Grandmother Blagge, Martha Wife of the 8th great-granduncle Blevins, Isaac A. February 1880 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, John June 13, 1844 Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt Blevins, John Roy October 1893 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Lula E. January 1887 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Martha C October 1892 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Moses R. August 1894 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Ona Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Paralea E. September 1898 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Robert T. October 06, 1881 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Sarah E. June 1886 1st cousin 3 times removed Blevins, Willie E September 1888 1st cousin 3 times removed Boland, Phillip J. Husband of the 2nd cousin once removed Bolding, Janet Ex-wife of the 2nd cousin once removed Bornstra, Gertrude Wife of the 9th great-granduncle Brokaw, Marie Wife of the 6th great-granduncle Bronchin, Jacqueline Abt. 1490 13th great-grandmother Brower, Maria Williamse Wife of the 9th great-granduncle Burnes, Robert Lance December 09, 1968 3rd cousin Cheeseman, Catherine Abt. 1687 7th great-grandmother Collom, Jacob F. Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt Collom, Sterling E. July 28, 1895 1st cousin 3 times removed Curtinius, Antonius Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt Darby, Bernard Husband of the 8th great-grandaunt Day, Mary Ann Wife of the 4th great-granduncle de la Grange, Hester Wife of the 9th great-granduncle de la Grange, Hester Wife of the 10th great-granduncle De La Montague, Jean/Johannes Mousnier Husband of the 9th great-grandaunt De Riemer, Isaac Husband of the 8th great-grandaunt Deferrante, Janice January 08, 1949 Wife of the 3rd cousin DeForest, Anne Abt. 1587 10th great-grandaunt DeForest, Anne 1611 9th great-grandaunt DeForest, Antoine Abt. 1539 11th great-granduncle DeForest, Balthazar Abt. 1534 11th great-granduncle DeForest, David December 11, 1608 9th great-granduncle DeForest, David August 01, 1660 8th great-granduncle DeForest, David December 17, 1663 8th great-granduncle DeForest, David September 07, 1669 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Elizabeth 6th great-grandaunt DeForest, Elizabeth 6th great-grandaunt DeForest, Elizabeth 6th great-grandaunt DeForest, Elizabeth November 01, 1607 9th great-grandaunt DeForest, Elizabeth January 31, 1696/97 7th great-grandaunt DeForest, Franchoise Abt. 1550 11th great-granduncle DeForest, Gerard Abt. 1578 10th great-granduncle DeForest, Gerrardus 6th great-grandaunt/uncle DeForest, Gerrardus 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Gerrit 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Gerrit May 21, 1646 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Gerrit June 10, 1647 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Gilles 1466 14th great-grandfather DeForest, Gilles Abt. 1537 11th great-granduncle DeForest, Hendrick September 09, 1657 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Hendricks March 07, 1605/06 9th great-granduncle DeForest, Hendrikus 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Hendrikus 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Henricus January 10, 1691/92 7th great-granduncle Deforest, Isaac 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Isaac July 10, 1616 9th great-grandfather DeForest, Isaac April 25, 1655 8th great-grandfather DeForest, Isaac April 26, 1682 7th great-granduncle DeForest, Israel October 07, 1617 9th great-granduncle DeForest, Jacobus 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Jacobus 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Jacobus January 12, 1695/96 7th great-granduncle DeForest, Jacqueline Abt. 1547 11th great-grandaunt DeForest, Jan March 27, 1650 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Jaspard Abt. 1545 11th great-granduncle DeForest, Jean 1543 11th great-grandfather DeForest, Jean Abt. 1593 10th great-granduncle DeForest, Jean July 22, 1604 9th great-granduncle DeForest, Jenne Abt. 1514 12th great-grandaunt DeForest, Jesse Abt. 1576 10th great-grandfather DeForest, Jesse March 01, 1614/15 9th great-granduncle DeForest, Jesse November 09, 1642 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Johannes 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Johannes March 10, 1683/84 7th great-grandfather Deforest, Joseph 1711 6th great-grandfather DeForest, Laurence 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Laurens January 04, 1687/88 7th great-granduncle DeForest, Margareta February 06, 1688/89 7th great-grandaunt DeForest, Marguerite Abt. 1510 12th great-grandaunt DeForest, Maria 6th great-grandaunt DeForest, Maria July 07, 1602 9th great-grandaunt DeForest, Maria January 10, 1691/92 7th great-grandaunt DeForest, Marie January 10, 1648/49 8th great-grandaunt DeForest, Marie July 07, 1666 8th great-grandaunt DeForest, Marijtie 6th great-grandaunt DeForest, Melchior 1486 13th great-grandfather DeForest, Melchior Abt. 1511 12th great-grandfather DeForest, Melchior Abt. 1541 11th great-granduncle DeForest, Melchior Abt. 1572 10th great-granduncle DeForest, Michael January 10, 1648/49 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Nicaise 1613 9th great-grandaunt/uncle DeForest, Nicolaas 6th great-granduncle DeForest, Philippe September 13, 1620 9th great-granduncle DeForest, Phillip July 28, 1652 8th great-granduncle DeForest, Rachel 1609 9th great-grandaunt DeForest, Sara March 10, 1685/86 7th great-grandaunt DeForest, Susanna February 05, 1698/99 7th great-grandaunt DeForest, Tobias 6th great-granduncle Defrees, ? Abt. 1754 5th great-grandaunt/uncle Defrees, Asher Abt. 1770 Half 4th great-granduncle Defrees, David 1784 4th great-granduncle Defrees, Elizabeth Abt. 1772 Half 4th great-grandaunt Defrees, Elizabeth June 13, 1813 3rd great-grandaunt Defrees, Hannah Abt. 1789 4th great-grandaunt Defrees, James 1737 5th great-grandfather Defrees, James Bet. 1774 - 1784 Half 4th great-granduncle Defrees, James May 1823 1st cousin 5 times removed Defrees, John Abt. 1739 5th great-granduncle Defrees, John Bet. 1780 - 1783 4th great-granduncle Defrees, John McNeil June 06, 1816 3rd great-granduncle Defrees, Joseph Abt. 1801 4th great-granduncle Defrees, Joseph December 23, 1830 3rd great-granduncle Defrees, Joseph Hutton Abt. 1753 5th great-granduncle Defrees, Lucinda Flora January 23, 1826 3rd great-grandaunt Defrees, Mark April 20, 1828 3rd great-granduncle Defrees, Mary Abt. 1769 Half 4th great-grandaunt Defrees, Mary M. June 13, 1810 3rd great-grandaunt Defrees, Moses March 09, 1787 4th great-grandfather Defrees, Moses February 14, 1829 1st cousin 5 times removed Defrees, Nancy Ann Abt. 1795 4th great-grandaunt Defrees, Nancy Jane May 24, 1821 3rd great-grandaunt Defrees, Phillip R. Abt. 1828 1st cousin 5 times removed Defrees, Polly Abt. 1797 4th great-grandaunt Defrees, Risley May 28, 1800 4th great-granduncle Defrees, Thomas R. January 05, 1818 3rd great-granduncle Defrees, William Abt. 1767 Half 4th great-granduncle Defries, Ader b. Abt. 1877 Great-grandaunt Defries, Allison April 17, 1969 3rd cousin Defries, Billy Don April 03, 1939 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Brandee Sue July 18, 1968 3rd cousin Defries, Britanee Katina July 26, 1972 3rd cousin Defries, Candice Jane February 16, 1987 3rd cousin once removed Defries, Carrie July 22, 1909 2nd cousin twice removed Defries, Charles F. Abt. 1883 Great-granduncle Defries, Charline Abt. 1914 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Cheryl Ann June 16, 1955 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Christina February 1891 Half great-grandaunt Defries, Cynetha A January 1860 2nd great-grandaunt Defries, David Oliver February 13, 1889 1st cousin 3 times removed Defries, Dora May 1892 Grandaunt Half 1st cousin once removed Defries, Dovie 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Ed 2nd cousin twice removed Defries, Ella Evens April 24, 1907 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Elvina November 1869 2nd great-grandaunt Defries, Emit Abt. 1913 Half 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Esta V. August 1887 Half great-grandaunt DeFries, Eunice Edward May 20, 1907 Grandfather Half 1st cousin once removed Husband of the half great-grandaunt Defries, Eva September 1897 2nd cousin twice removed Defries, Fax Jeffery October 04, 1913 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Grace Abt. 1923 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Infant Baby 1926 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Jack Abt. 1927 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Jacob Scott September 04, 1989 3rd cousin once removed Defries, James February 1862 2nd great-granduncle Defries, James S October 08, 1823 3rd great-grandfather Defries, James Samuel March 03, 1880 1st cousin 3 times removed Defries, Jeffrery Trey August 19, 1977 3rd cousin Defries, Jessie Abt. 1908 Half 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Jim Abt. 1916 1st cousin twice removed Defries, John Henry August 06, 1848 2nd great-grandfather Defries, Jordon Kansas November 22, 1879 1st cousin 3 times removed Defries, Joseph Anthony June 01, 1995 3rd cousin once removed Defries, Joye Francis November 01, 1937 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Judson Abt. 1905 2nd cousin twice removed Defries, Kenneth S. Abt. 1918 Half 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Leigh Ann February 22, 1967 3rd cousin Defries, Lillie Abt. 1911 Half 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Lytle August 1884 Half great-grandaunt Defries, Mable Abt. 1913 2nd cousin twice removed Defries, Mark Grey Abt. 1907 2nd cousin twice removed Defries, Mark R Abt. 1851 2nd great-granduncle Defries, Martha (Mattie) Ann October 12, 1881 1st cousin 3 times removed DeFries, Marvin Frank Father Half 1st cousin twice removed Half 2nd cousin DeFries, Mary Elizabeth January 08, 1850 2nd great-grandaunt Defries, May Nell 1921 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Michael Joseph March 22, 1983 3rd cousin once removed Defries, Mildred Abt. 1916 Half 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Milton Abt. 1916 Half 1st cousin twice removed DeFries, Monroe Spear February 12, 1873 Great-grandfather Husband of the half grandaunt Defries, Moses Abt. 1853 2nd great-granduncle Defries, Moses Edward March 1886 1st cousin 3 times removed Defries, Moses Oyler June 22, 1891 1st cousin 3 times removed Defries, Nancy J. August 26, 1855 2nd great-grandaunt Defries, Otis Jackson July 28, 1915 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Pamela Jane June 03, 1954 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Perry Abt. 1909 Half 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Price Abt. 1909 Half 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Rector Abt. 1914 Half 1st cousin twice removed DeFries, Rhonda Kay 1958 Sister Half 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Rickey Gene June 26, 1948 2nd cousin once removed DeFries, Ricky Dean October 1962 Brother Half 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Ronald Fax March 15, 1943 2nd cousin once removed DeFries, Ronald Lynn September 29, 1959 Self Half 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Ruth 2nd cousin twice removed Defries, Ruth Abt. 1928 1st cousin twice removed DeFries, Sara Anne October 02, 1982 Daughter Half 3rd cousin Defries, Seciel February 1895 Granduncle Half 1st cousin once removed DeFries, Stephen Craig August 28, 1984 Son Half 3rd cousin Defries, Susann December 05, 1858 2nd great-grandaunt DeFries, Terri Jo Sister Half 2nd cousin once removed Defries, Theodore November 03, 1874 Great-granduncle Defries, Verne Ivy Abt. 1910 1st cousin twice removed Defries, Virginia Madge Abt. 1918 1st cousin twice removed DeFries, W. D. Uncle Half 1st cousin twice removed Half 2nd cousin Defries, W. Jewell Abt. 1912 1st cousin twice removed Defries, William L. Abt. 1865 2nd great-granduncle Defries, Zelma Alene August 12, 1919 1st cousin twice removed deGroot, Dirck Janse Husband of the 9th great-grandaunt Demie April 10, 1885 Wife of the great-granduncle Du Chesne, Susanna 1606 10th great-grandmother Du Cloux, Maria Abt. 1580 10th great-grandmother Du Cloux, Nicaise Abt. 1548 11th great-grandfather Du Fosse, Antoine 13th great-grandfather Du Fosset, Catherine 1510 12th great-grandmother Du Trieux, Abraham 1632 9th great-granduncle Du Trieux, Isaac April 21, 1642 9th great-granduncle Du Trieux, Jacob December 02, 1645 9th great-granduncle Du Trieux, Madeleine Half 9th great-grandaunt Du Trieux, Maria Half 9th great-grandaunt Du Trieux, Philip Abt. 1637 9th great-granduncle Du Trieux, Philipe Half 9th great-granduncle Du Trieux, Philipe January 03, 1615/16 Half 9th great-granduncle Du Trieux, Phillip July 18, 1586 10th great-grandfather Du Trieux, Phillippe Abt. 1554 11th great-grandfather Du Trieux, Pieter Abt. 1623 9th great-granduncle Du Trieux, Rachel 1635 9th great-grandaunt Du Trieux, Rebecca Abt. 1628 9th great-grandaunt Du Trieux, Sara Bet. 1623 - 1625 9th great-grandmother Du Trieux, Susanna 1626 9th great-grandaunt Ethel August 05, 1885 Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed Foster, Alonzo July 29, 1877 Great-grandfather Foster, Esther Fern January 16, 1939 Mother Wife of the half 1st cousin twice removed Wife of the half 2nd cousin Foster, Roy January 12, 1907 Grandfather Fouchee, Elizabeth 5th great-grandmother Fulbright, Harriet Lou Demie April 10, 1885 Wife of the great-granduncle G, Abigale "Abbie" May 15, 1878 Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed Gladys Abt. 1886 Spouse of the half great-grandaunt Gobert, Marie Wife of the 10th great-granduncle Goodman, ? Husband of the 2nd cousin twice removed Groot, Symon (Symonse) Husband of the 9th great-grandaunt Hammon, ? Brother-in-law Husband of the half 2nd cousin once removed Hardenbroek, Sarah Wife of the 6th great-granduncle Hardy, Henry Husband of the half 4th great-grandaunt Hart, David Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt Hill, Jack Husband of the 2nd cousin once removed Holloway, Elizabeth Wife of the 4th great-granduncle Holt, Henry W. Husband of the half great-grandaunt Huntsinger, George Husband of the half great-grandaunt Hutton, John 8th great-grandfather Hutton, John Strangeways Abt. 1695 7th great-grandfather Hutton, Mary Catherine 1715 6th great-grandmother Jeffery, Carolyn Elizabeth May 05, 1949 Wife of the 2nd cousin once removed Johnson, Kenneth H. Partner of the 3rd cousin Johnson, Kimberly Lane January 14, 1963 Wife Jones, Laura Winetta December 24, 1914 Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed Jr., Mitchell Robert September 22, 1989 3rd cousin once removed Jr., TJ Defries December 17, 1965 3rd cousin Kip, Tryntje Wife of the 8th great-granduncle la Sur, Marie Wife of the 11th great-granduncle Laura Wife of the great-granduncle Le Fevre, Jean Husband of the 10th great-grandaunt L'Eveque, Jean (Le Vaque) Husband of the 12th great-grandaunt Low, Nancy Wife of the 4th great-granduncle Maillard, Ann Abt. 1551 11th great-grandmother Maillard, Michael Bet. 1520 - 1530 12th great-grandfather Malapert, Marie 14th great-grandmother Marin, Adrianne Wife of the 11th great-granduncle Matin, Jack Richard May 06, 1940 Husband of the 2nd cousin once removed McCarthy, Susan Coreen January 13, 1948 Wife of the 2nd cousin once removed McQuire, Sara Isabelle November 14, 1872 2nd great-grandmother Wife of the great-grandfather McQuire, Sarah Isabelle November 14, 1872 Great-grandmother Wife of the 2nd great-grandfather McSpadden, Thomas Anderson Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt Meyer, John Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt Minor, Larry D. July 19, 1941 Husband of the 2nd cousin once removed Morgan, John Abraham Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed Morris, Anderson June 25, 1901 Husband of the 1st cousin twice removed Nimerfroh, Allen Joseph Husband of the 2nd cousin once removed Nimerfroh, Ashley Taylor June 25, 1991 3rd cousin once removed Nimerfroh, Sheena Lynn November 01, 1970 3rd cousin Noirett, Jaquemyne Wife of the 10th great-grandfather Paul, Elizabeth Wife of the half 4th great-granduncle Phipps, Aaron James February 04, 1987 3rd cousin once removed Phipps, Jimmy LLoyd January 03, 1962 3rd cousin Phipps, Melvin Lloyd November 17, 1935 Husband of the 2nd cousin once removed Phipps, Odell Ray November 24, 1953 3rd cousin Phipps, Penny Elizabeth Abt. August 1961 3rd cousin Post, Lysbet Wife of the 9th great-granduncle Raux, Marguerite Abt. 1529 12th great-grandmother Ravenstein, Nicholas Gerritszen 1661 8th great-grandfather Reed, Christopher David January 31, 1977 3rd cousin Reed, Doyle David August 12, 1952 Husband of the 2nd cousin once removed Reed, Joshua Brandon July 18, 1975 3rd cousin Reed, Nichlos Shane September 22, 1982 3rd cousin Resteau, Guillaume Abt. 1470 14th great-grandfather Resteau, Isabeau Abt. 1490 13th great-grandmother Reuschtle, Johann 6th great-grandfather Riccobuono, Mickey Ryan March 15, 1993 3rd cousin once removed Riggs, Sarah T. Wife of the 4th great-granduncle Risley, Sophina Sevier 5th great-grandmother Ross, Martha J. Abt. 1833 3rd great-grandmother Russell, Eliza E. August 1849 Wife of the 2nd great-grandfather Rutgers, Harmanus Husband of the 7th great-grandaunt Schmitz, Debbie Wife of the 3rd cousin Shufler, Sopha Katherine Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle Snow, Mary F. Abt. 1850 2nd great-grandmother Sr., Mitchell Robert Riccobuono November 12, 1968 Husband of the 3rd cousin Sr., T J Defries October 12, 1948 2nd cousin once removed Start, Mary Wife of the 5th great-granduncle Stewert, Matilda Ann C. Abt. 1858 Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle Stice, Althea Margaret November 24, 1924 Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed Stovall, James S. Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt Strangeways, Arthur 9th great-grandfather Strangeways, Catharine 8th great-grandmother Swadley, Marcus 5th great-grandfather Swadley, Mary Ann 4th great-grandmother Thiebaut, Nicholas Husband of the 12th great-grandaunt Tosh, Jackie Kathlynn October 09, 1940 2nd cousin once removed Tosh, Marl Ervin February 09, 1917 Husband of the 1st cousin twice removed Traber, Susanna 6th great-grandmother Tucker, Sarah Wife of the 6th great-granduncle Van Bomnel, Hendrick Husband of the 9th great-grandaunt Van der Spiegel, Lysbeth Abt. 1660 8th great-grandmother Van Der Spiegeland, Laurens November 29, 1637 9th great-grandfather Van Flaesbeck, Femmetje Phoebe Wife of the 8th great-granduncle Van Laer, Anne Wife of the 7th great-grandfather Van Ravenstein, Catherine Abt. 1684 7th great-grandmother Van Rollegom, Maritje Jans 1665 8th great-grandmother Vanderbogert, Anna Myndert Wife of the 9th great-granduncle Verlet, Susanna Wife of the 8th great-granduncle Vermeulen, Marie Wife of the 9th great-granduncle Waldron, Gerrit Husband of the 6th great-grandaunt Walker, Arnold Rankin 2nd great-grandfather 3rd great-grandfather Walker, Ethel Lula June 06, 1907 Grandmother Half great-grandaunt Wife of the half 1st cousin once removed Walker, George Grant January 25, 1865 Great-grandfather 2nd great-grandfather Walker, Mary Isabelle February 09, 1873 Great-grandmother Half grandaunt Webbers, Sara 9th great-grandmother Welsh, James Leslie Partner of the 2nd cousin once removed Welsh, Thomas Shawn June 08, 1976 3rd cousin Wendel, Evert Janse Husband of the 9th great-grandaunt Williams, Edward Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt Williams, Ina Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed Winetta December 24, 1914 Wife of the 1st cousin twice removed