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This is based on the chimera creation system in Changeling 2nd ed. (pp. 220-223), which you will want to have in front of you to understand the following:

Creation points depend on the number of Companion Background traits you have:

One trait: 10 points
Two traits: 15 points
Three traits: 20 points
Four traits: 30 points
Incredible: 50 points Abilities: one creation point buys two Ability traits

Glamour: one creation point buys one Glamour trait

Willpower: three creation points buy one Willpower trait

Health Levels: one point buys one Health Level beyond Mortally Wounded (i.e., to buy as many as for a regular Player Character spend 4 points)

Attack: All physical chimera inflict one Health Level of damage per attack (chimerical damage, unless made real by the Wyrd)

Note: Chimerical companions count as "Dreamed" Chimera - see Changeling 2nd ed., p. 218.


For full details of any rede (chimera's powers), see Changeling 2nd ed.

Aggravated Damage: Chimera may use this rede in tandem with the Wyrd rede to cause aggravated, real damage Chimera point cost: 3. Use cost: None

Armor: each trait of Armor can be used as bonus (not bidding) traits when defending against a Physical attack (cf. "Cover" in Laws of the Night) Chimera point cost: 1 per trait, Use cost: None.

Befuddle: Mental challenge: if successful, the target is down a number of traits in all challenges equal to (chimera's current Glamour minus target's current Willpower), minimum 1 trait. This lasts for as long as the target is in the chimera's presence. Chimera point cost: 3. Use cost: 1 Glamour trait.

Dreamform: the chimera is immune to any form of Physical attack; Arts or treasures (or other supernatural abilities or items, at storyteller discretion) must be used to affect it. If exposed to high Banality (9+ traits) the chimera must make a Glamour test vs. the offending Banality; if it fails, it becomes physical (although not necessarily real) for as long as it is in the presence of the high Banality (assume it has as many physical traits as current Glamour). Note: the source of the Banality does not need to be aware of the chimera at all. Chimera point cost: 5 Use cost: none.

Enchantment: with a Simple test, the chimera can make mortals aware of it and interact (in a hostile or civil fashion as circumstances indicate). Any damage is chimerical, of course, and the Mists will cloud the mortal's memory of the encounter. Chimera point cost: 3 Use cost: 1 Glamour trait per minute, or per hour in a freehold or in the Dreaming (the first Glamour trait is spent whether the simple test succeeds or not; only that one test is necessary so long as the chimera has Glamour to burn).

Ensnare: specifics vary widely. A trap may be set, or an appropriate attack (usually some sort of Physical challenge) is made. The Ensnare has one Physical trait (usually "Tough" or some such) for every permanent Glamour trait of the chimera. Chimera point cost: 2 Use cost: 1 Glamour trait to capture one human-sized object.

Fear: Simple test; victim is affected as with vampiric Presence: Dread Gaze for 5 minutes per permanent Glamour trait possessed by the chimera (Willpower may be spent for a retest). Chimera point cost: 2. Use cost: 1 Glamour trait.

Fester: Physical or Mental challenge, as appropriate to the chimera; the effects of the disease may vary. At storyteller discretion, if the victim is aware of the chimera he may spend a Willpower to retest. A suggestion: the disease should not do much more damage than one or two wounds, plus a temporary Physical trait every hour or so. Naturally Willpower can be spent to replenish lost Physical traits, as usual. Depending on the effects of the disease, the victim may suffer some Mental or even Social penalties as well. Chimera point cost: 5. Use cost: 2 Glamour traits + 1 per additional Health level of damage over the first.

Flight: the chimera can fly 10 feet per turn for every Physical trait it has. Chimera point cost: 3. Use cost: 1 Glamour trait per hour.

Gulp: the chimera must win a Physical challenge and two simple tests to swallow its victim whole; after that damage (if any) is automatic each attack turn. (A failed Gulp may still inflict bite damage.) Chimera point cost: 3. Use cost: 2 Glamour traits.

Glamour Pact: any changeling attempting to craft, forge, trap, or control a chimera with this rede is down two bids. Otherwise as in tabletop. Chimera point cost: 5. Use cost: 1 permanent Glamour trait.

Healing: chimera can heal its own wounds or those of others; the "Wyrd" rede is necessary to heal non-chimerical injuries. Chimera point cost: 5. Use cost: 1 Glamour trait per Health Level healed.

Hide: the chimera may make itself or others invisible for up to an hour. Effects as vampiric Obfuscate: Unseen Presence (or Cloak the Gathering). Changelings (or Enchanted Kinain) with Kenning may make a Mental challenge to locate Hiding chimera if one is near (even if it has remained perfectly still). The Wyrd rede is required to Hide unenchanted subjects or to Hide Enchanted ones from them. Chimera point cost: 5 (or 7 to affect others). Use cost: 1 Glamour trait (plus 1 per additional creature or item affected).

Possession: chimera must touch the target (a Physical challenge may be necessary). With a successful Mental challenge the chimera may possess the target for 5 minutes. Additional Mental challenges are required every five minutes to maintain control. The victim may of course resist by spending Willpower. This only works on kithain and Enchanted creatures. Chimera point cost: 7. Use cost: 1 Willpower + 1 Glamour per additional five minutes.

Scuttle: extra actions. As Rage: extra actions may not exceed one third the chimera's total current Physical traits. Extra attacks also follow same rules as Rage (immediate follow-up after a successful challenge). Chimera point cost: 3. Use cost: 1 Glamour trait per extra action taken.

Sense Banality: a Willpower test is required. The chimera can determine how many Banality traits a person, object, or place has. Chimera point cost: 2. Use cost: One Glamour if the chimera loses the test.

Shapeshift: effects are illusionary. All five senses can be affected, but no extra abilities or damage possible. Chimera point cost: 5. Use cost: One Glamour trait per shape change.

Steal Glamour: may require Physical or Mental challenge at storyteller discretion. Make a Simple test: on a win the chimera steals a number of temporary Glamour traits equal to its permanent Willpower score; on a tie, the chimera gains only one Glamour. Chimera point cost: 3. Use cost: 1 Willpower trait.

Traverse Dreaming: a trod is required (although not necessarily one accessible by kithain). Chimera point cost: 5. Use cost: 1 Glamour trait.

Venom: may paralyze or chimerically kill a victim. Some sort of Physical challenge is necessary (Wyrd rede is necessary for real damage.)Chimera point cost: 5. Use cost: 1 Glamour trait per extra wound caused or per minute of paralysis.

Weaponry: the chimera can create natural or melee weaponry from its own substance. These weapons may inflict additional wounds. Chimera point cost: 1 per bonus trait. (+ 3 per additional wound, if desired) Use cost: none.

Wyrd: the chimera can briefly affect the real world and unenchanted subjects. Chimera point cost: 5. Use cost: 1 Willpower trait per 10 minutes.


Choose a Seelie or Unseelie Legacy (or both) from The Shining Host, pp. 38-43, that best represents your chimerical companion's personality.

Killing chimera

If a chimera loses all of its Health Levels it must win or tie a Simple test (spending a Willpower trait allows for one retest) or die instantly and permanently. If the test succeeds, the chimera becomes incorporeal (as per Dreamform) and heals at the rate of one Health Level per week (unless it has the Healing rede). Arts and treasures may still affect it; if slain again it becomes corporeal (another Simple test is necessary to remain "alive") and is then subject to the effects of Banality.

If a chimera is destroyed (failing its Simple test), test the chimera's permanent Glamour vs. the highest Banality present. On a win or a tie, the chimerical material is "harvestable"; otherwise the chimera melts away to nothing. Any chimera that dies in the Dreaming is reabsorbed by it.

Chimera and Banality

If unenchanted mortals or supernatural beings observe a chimerical effect, the chimera should make a Glamour + Willpower test against the highest Banality present. On a loss, the chimera (and anything or anyone in contact with it) is transported into a random part of the Dreaming. Otherwise the chimera is unaffected (and the Mists will cover up the chimera's activities).

If a chimera comes into close contact with high Banality, it may take damage. Any chimera in the presence (one foot radius per Banality trait) of an unenchanted creature or place with a Banality score higher than the chimera's permanent Glamour rating takes one Health Level of damage per minute. The unenchanted being need not be aware of the chimera. Any chimera, no matter how many Glamour traits it has, will take damage from an unenchanted creature with 10 Banality traits. (A Willpower trait may be spent to endure the high Banality for ten minutes). Enchanted beings of any Banality do not cause this effect. A chimera reduced to zero Health Levels in this manner vanishes entirely and permanently.

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