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Some of the Arts are not available to all Kithain. Many of the kiths, and some Gallain are known to keep their own secrets, secrets that are usually well guarded, but in some cases might occasionally be learned by outsiders.

Aphrodisia: One of the Arts of the merfolk, Aphrodisia is able to create desire for someone or something. Some satyrs have been taught the secrets of this Art, and any Kithain may learn it if they have a willing teacher. Aphrodisia is detailed in World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides

*Fancy. This cantrip makes a subject noticeable in a positive way. It's useful to make a good first impression, or to help people make the choices you want them to make.

**Yearn. Creates a sudden burst of desire for something or someone, as long as the subject is familiar with the intended object of their desire.

***Covet. A more powerful version of "Yearn", the desire is stronger and lasts for a day's time.

****Crave. The desire at this level is no longer rational, and the subject will do anything short of jeopardizing themself or their closest friends to be near the object of their affection.

*****Need. At this level, the victim will willingly sacrfice themselves or anyone else to be near their intended object of desire.

Chronos: The Art of time manipulation, this Art is almost exclusively used by the sidhe, who learned it due to their unique relationship with time. The few commoners that somehow steal the secrets of this Art find it more difficult to use. Chronos is detailed in Nobles: The Shining Host.

*Wyrd. This cantrip confuses a target's time perception, often making them very disoriented.

**Backwards Glance. Enables the changeling to see into the past of subject.

***Dream Time. May cause a subject to age faster, or may stop the aging process on the subject for a time. May also speed a subject up, or slow them down.

****Permanence. Causes another cantrip to last longer, but doesn't work on all cantrips. Any that have a defined duration may have this duration extended through the use of Permanence.

*****Reversal of Fortune. May actually turn back time. This cantrip is costly to the caster, and only extends a few minutes into the past, but is powerful nonetheless.

Contempt: One of the forbidden "Dark Arts" of the Shadow Court, Contempt is used to stir trouble, discontent, and revolutions. It is also used to counteract Sovereign. Contempt is detailed in The Shadow Court.

*Mockery. Mockery is used to overcome the Protocol cantrip (Sovereign *), and might encourage targets to misbehave, or otherwise demonstrate inappropriate behavior.

**Disobedience. Those affected by this cantrip will tend to disregard authority, and disobey orders for while it affects them. It is also used to counter the Dictum cantrip (Sovereign **).

***Insolence. Used to inspire riots in large groups, Insolence is the Unseelie answer to Grandeur. The outcome of this cantrip is usually violent. Insolence directly opposes Grandeur (Sovereign ***).

****Devil's Advocate. The caster uses this cantrip in conjunction with a speech, enabling them to convince the audience of whatever it was that was being said. It may also be used to postpone the affects of a Geas (Sovereign *****), perhaps giving time for the caster of the Geas to be convinced to reconsider.

*****Condemnation. This is the ritual of the Shadow Court which is used to bring new members in, and to declare new titles of authority within the court. It also obscures Shadow Court proceedings, making it more difficult for onlookers to understand what is happening. Only the highest ranked officials, called "Instigators", are permitted to learn this cantrip.

Delusion: The second of the "Dark Arts", Delusion bears some resemblance to Chicanery at first glance. Shadow Court members have learned to use the Mists as a weapon, and bend it to their will with this Art, enabling them to hide many of their atrocities. Delusion is detailed in The Shadow Court.

*Innocence. This cantrip enables the caster to hide secrets from other magical abilities, such as mindreading or divination, that might be able to extract the truth about activities the caster would like to remain unknown. Innocence can be used to lie to a Gwydion sidhe, without them being able to see through it.

**Facade. With a Bunk that involves disguising the subject, Facade makes that disguise believable. It takes time and effort to cast, but it also lasts for a pretty long time. Facades fade with time though, and eventually the disguise will degenerate to the point of uselessness. The exact same Facade may never be cast more than once.

***The Mists of Memory. Similar to Fugue (Chicanery ***), this allows the caster to obscure memories. Unlike Fugue, this cantrip buries those memories deep enough that they will never surface again without assistance. This cantrip can never overcome the loyalty of a troll, the chivalry of a sidhe, an oath, a geas, or true love.

****The Depths of Will. This diabolical cantrip will have the subject perform a task set by the caster, and then forget about performing it. The casting must involve an explanation, true or not, about why the activity is important.

*****The Darkest Heart. This cantrip sends a subject on a year long quest, the conclusion of which will cause them to bury the memory of something which they regret so that they will be troubled by it no more. The conclusion of this quest is one of the few ways to reduce permanent Banality.

Infusion: This Art is known almost exclusively by nockers, though a few others (notably goblins, boggarts, boggans and members of House Dougal) have been known to learn it. It allows modification to be made to chimerical items, and at the higher levels, can create powerful and permanent chimerical servants, and even gift them with independent thought. Infusion is detailed in Kithbook: Nockers.

*Harden. This cantrip can turn incidental chimera into "dreamed" chimera, making the material stable enough to be crafted or forged.

**Toughen. This allows the caster to toughen any chimerical material (including a changeling's fae mien), making it more resistant to damage and Banality.

***FUBAR Generation. FUBARs as nockers call them, are chimerical energy creatures (also called "Will o' the Wisps") used by nockers to power chimerical engines. This cantrip generates a FUBAR and allows the nocker to try and trap it within a metal hoop. It is unknown whether this cantrip actually creates the FUBAR or somehow summons it.

****Animantis. This cantrip is used to generate a golem, a personal chimerical servant/machine. The nocker needs to perform many tasks to actually create the golem, this cantrip only animates it, once it is created.

*****Gilgul. This enables the caster to breathe sentient life into their golem. This cantrip is restricted in its use, and a nocker wishing to use it legally must obtain permission from the Grand Bes Din (a leader among the nocker population).

Kryos: Another merfolk Art, Kryos is used to generate ice and cold. Many trolls wish to learn the secrets of this Art, and any Kithain may learn it if they find an instructor willing to teach them. Kryos is detailed in World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides.

*Cold Shock. Causes a subject to become suddenly bitterly cold. It can be quite disorienting and uncomfortable.

**Gelid Rime. Covers a target in a thin crust of ice, usually more useful in creating sudden ice slides, or slowing someone down than in actually restraining them.

***Frost Facsimile. This cantrip enables the caster to duplicate virtually any item with ice. The duplicate will be ice though, and have the properties of ice rather than what they are modeled after.

****Crystal Prison. This cantrip encases a victim in a block of ice. If their head is covered, they may suffocate.

*****Coldheart. This cantrip can freeze someone from the inside out. It can be used to place someone in a state of suspended animation.

Naming: This Art deals with rune-magic and true names. It is usually only possessed by powerful nobles and seers. It is said that the Crystal Circle guild teaches this Art to its members, and any character should be considered a "sorcerer" (5 dots of one Art, and at least 4 dots of one other) before learning it. This Art is powerless against someone that knows the caster's true name. Naming is detailed in Changeling Player's Guide.

*Seek 'n' Spell. This cantrip allows the caster to decipher the meaning in any written text, regardless of the language or code it's written in, and even if the meaning is magically obscured (though the obscuring spell would oppose the Seek 'n' Spell cantrip).

**Rune. This cantrip involves inscribing a rune to enhance other cantrips or actions. The rune is drawn on or inscribed on whatever the caster wishes to enchant in this manner.

***Runic Circle. This creates protection against magical powers of all sorts. It is most effective against faerie magic, secondarily against the Sphere magick of mages, and is weakest against the powers of vampires, werewolves, and the like.

****Saining. This cantrip is used to discover a target's true name. It is used in the Saining ceremony (hence its name), but has more sinister uses. Chimerical weapons or objects that are named in this manner become more powerful (see Dreams and Nightmares).

*****Reweaving. This allows the caster to rearrange the runes in a target's true name (the true name must be known prior to casting this cantrip) changing it to something else. Usually, when used on sentient beings, it only changes their personality (though its changes are, for all intents and purposes, permanent). When used on inanimate objects it literally transforms them into something else entirely.

Skycraft: This merfolk Art deals with weather control. Merfolk may naturally only use it on the surface, not underwater. Other Kithain may learn Skycraft if they have a willing teacher. Skycraft is detailed in World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides.

*Thunderclap. This cantrip allows the caster to create a sudden burst of thunder and flash of lightning. It is most often used to intimidate, though there are some other uses.

**Compass Winds. The caster creates a strong wind and directs it at a certain target.

***Dark Sky. The caster may darken the sky with stormclouds, and create a fog to obscure a given target.

****Stormcraft. The changeling is able to summon and control a storm. Many such storms actually grow out of a caster's control.

*****Call Lightning. The caster calls lightning from the sky, channels it through their body and directs it at a target causing terrible damage.

Spirit Link: An Art known to the Nunnehi, very few Kithain know of it much less learn it. This Art deals with contacting and, to some extent, controlling spirits. Spirit Link is detailed in Changeling Player's Guide.

*World Sight. This cantrip enables the Nunnehi to see into the Upper, Lower and Middle worlds. It also allows the caster to see, not just a person or object, but the spirit accompanying that person or object, revealing its true nature.

**Ancestor Speech. This cantrip allows the Nunnehi to contact one of their ancestor's spirits for advice and historical information.

***Vision Quest. This cantrip allows the Nunnehi a glimpse into the future, or to divine the solution to a problem. It requires a ritual, and may take some time. The answers sought often have to be ineterpreted from the omens and symbols encountered in the vision.

****Placate. This cantrip is used to come to an agreement with a restless spirit that troubles the living. They will not stop haunting for nothing, they must be appeased somehow, but this cantrip binds them to accept the payment and the terms.

*****Ghost Dance. This cantrip gives the Nunnehi some control over spirits and supernatural creatures, allowing them to be summoned or banished at will. While this cantrip does give the caster control over what they summon, it may fail dramatically, having the caster battle what they had wished to control.

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