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As we all known, banality is highly subjective and comes down more to the individual, but certain groups tend towards specifics. After discussing the matter with two excellent authorities on the shifter systems (Robert N. and Balam) I’ve combined their advice, suggestions and charts and list the following as my guideline for shifter banality.

Black Furies: 6 (connection to Wyld, possibly even 5)
Bone Gnawers: 7
Children of Gaia: 6 or 7 (relations to Houses Gwydion and Fiona, mainly)
Fianna: 5 – 6 (too many old compacts, plus camp of Tuatha de Fionn)
Glass Walkers: 7 – 8
Get of Fenris: 6 – 7 (relations to nockers and trolls)
Red Talons: 6 (nature)
Shadow Lords: 7 – 8
Silent Striders: 6 - 7
Silver Fangs: 6, possibly 5. Maybe depending on House (relations to House Gwydion).
Stargazers: 6 (emphasis on inner reality and openmindedness)
Uktena: 6 (old Nunnehi contacts plus interest in the occult)
Wendigo: 6 (Nunnehi-contacts as well)

Nuwisha: 6 (The questioners and tricksters, they usually discount the normal world and make fun of everything and everyone.)

Black Spiral Dancers: 8 – 9 (Example: Ahrouns - 9 Reason: If your hobbies include mass rapings and torture, you should be quite banal)


All tribes other than those listed below are at 7.
Qualmi: 6 (Shamans and riddlers, the Qualmi embody the enigmatic nature of the cat. They're like the Garou's Theurges, maybe even stranger and more removed from the "real world".)
Ceilican: banality should be 5. (Ceilican are the Fae cats with Fae blood and more history with the Fae then the Fianna (!!). Their tribal weaknesses deal with Fae and they are even sensitive to cold steel weapons.)
Khan, Simba: +1 (Tribes of warriors, they are probably the most Banal of the Bastet)

Ananasi of the Weaver: Banality 8
Ananasi of the Wyld: Banality 6
Ananasi of the Wyrm (Kumo): Banality 7

Corax: 7

Rokea: Banality 7

From the Changeling Storytellers Guide pg. 86-90

Fianna: It is said that the Fianna have some of the closest ties to the Kithain.

The Get of Fenris: They harbor an old hatred toward the European Fae. Trolls are the only kith excluded from this hatred.


Spirit Ward (Level Four Homid Gift)

This ward extends into the Dreaming and is also proof against any kind of chimera.

Sense the Unnatural (Level Two Lupus Gift)

If this gift is used to detect Changelings, the difficulty is 9,unless the Kithain is actively using an Art, in which case the difficulty is 7.

Name the Spirit (Level Three Lupus Gift)

If this Gift is used while the Garou is enchanted, the Garou can identify chimera. This only works if the chimera is a recognizable or distinct creature or entity.

Pulse of the Invisible (Level Three Theurge Gift)

This Gift allows Garou to perceive creatures of the Dreaming (this include’s a Changeling’s fae mein), though he must first know what to look for. Generally a Garou who has never been enchanted will not be able to perceive chimera with this Gift, unless he has been taught by one of the Kithain or another Garou who has seen chimera. A Garou actively using this Gift to perceive creatures of the Dreaming is subject to attack by chimerical means and is affected by Cantrips as if he were enchanted.

Spirit Drain (Level Four Theurge Gift)

This Gift works on Chimera that the Garou can perceive. Many Kithain take the destruction of benign chimera as an attack on the Dreaming.

The Malleable Spirit (Level Five Theurge Gift)

This Gift can be used to affect chimera if the Garou is enchanted (or using Pulse of the Invisible, above)

Spirit Friend (Level Three Children of Gaia Gift)

This Gift allows the Garou to perceive creatures of the Dreaming and to interact with chimera. Most benign and neutral chimera will act friendly to the Garou. Antagonistic chimera (such as nervosa) are not affected by this Gift.

Faerie Kin (Level Three Fianna Gift)

When this Gift is used, any changeling within a one-mile radius feels a mental pull and knows that a Garou is in danger. Even if he has never encountered a Garou, he feels a nagging sense that someone is in danger. The changeling may make an opposed Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to avoid the summons. Failure means that he must respond to the call for aid by the quickest means possible. If the Garou botches, however, she summons the nastiest Unseelie in the area, especially any nearby Thallain.

The Delirium:

Changelings who are actively in their fae mien (not lost to the Mists) are not affected by the Delirium.