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From the Book of Lost Dreams:

Sluagh Perceptions:

In order to see a wraith, a sluagh must make a Perception+Kenning roll (difficulty 9). To hear the wraith, the character must spend a point of Glamour.


Keening is the wraith power to create emotions within a target. Changelings are affected by this power more easily than most. Any Keening roll made against a changeling has its difficulty reduced by one. A changeling and a wraith can work in unison to enhance the creation of Glamour from a Dreamer. For every two successes rolled by a wraith using Keening, the difficulty for Reverie or Ravaging is reduced by one.


The effects of this wraithly power often extend into the Near Dreaming. The chimerical effects created by the use of this power can be quite disturbing, not to mention dangerous,to any Kithain in the vicinity.

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