Paul & the Light Of Lucifer*Update 12/99*
Paul isn't worth listening to because:
(Matt 5:19)" Whoever breaks one of the least of the commandment and teaches men, so shall be called the least in the Kingdom."
The Dead Sea Scrolls show us the strict rules in which to judge whether one is worthy & Paul broke about all those rules, like Political/War imprisonment & living in gentile territory (helanized society) & other issues that relates to disqualifying teachers (4Q266-7 fr 5).
Paul's Letters were the first, written at least 20 years after Jesus's execution. St. Paul's theology, and the interpretation it cast on events recalled about Jesus's career, played a significant role in shaping the doctrines of the Paulian-Christian Church. Yet, this man was not Jesus, nor was he G0D. For that reason, those denominations of Christianity which believe in the inspiration and authority of Paul are called "Pauline", or "Paulian". Often more than half of what they hold as doctrinal truth comes from Paul rather than Jesus. Though most favors of Christianity are Paulian, The Christo-Paulian church has squelched most of The Gospel of Thomas because too many elements in them didn't fit in with doctrines and precepts which the early Church had crafted up to that time. In other words -- Politics.
In the 9th chapter of Acts, Luke tells the story of the conversion of Saul, saying that "the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man." In the 22nd chapter of the same book, Luke quotes Paul's own words regarding the same experience: "And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake unto me."
This is very contradicting but what is forgotten is, since the only Light appears=Lucifer, then Paul saw and was stimulated by this Lucifer deception.
What is this light and why did it speak in Paul?s Mind?
This light is a Phenomenon where crystal rocks rub together under the earth?s surface and sparks and light can appear above ground through this natural occurrence. The magnetic impulses from this occurrence can also bring hallucination by stimulating these dream like fantasies in the mind. Similar is the many accounts of illuminated ghosts or some UFO encounters.
Where Lucifer again appears in mans mind is in near death experiences where the tunnel of Light is seen.
This light is occuring, as well as the portraits of relatives, from the lack of oxygen to the brain. This has been similated in a lab where everyone stimulated on the side portion of the brain had the same experience as if they were dying. This shows that afterlife is a false fantasy which actually started as a cultish myth about death.
See people do not know their history of words used in Biblical times, therefore they have no idea what the term Light
in the bible really meant. In the day of the prophets, light meant Knowledge and truth, not Illumination.
Any use of Illuminated light is to deceive and sound supernatural and superstitious. Illuminated Light cult talk was no different back then as it is with New agers now. In other words Christian theology was the new agers of their time, adding to the bible, distorting it and making up supernatural powers and fantasy through words they had no understanding to. All talk and no substance or proof backing it?s outrageous claims. This is the warning of Lucifer=the one who brings illuminated Light. Morning Star=Lucifer and Rev 22:16 Jesus claims to be that morning star. However, there is more to the warning then meets the eye as the illuminated light hint might also reveal where the story of Paul comes from.
Search for the Historical Paul
During the celebration of Christmas people worship the birth of the many pagan sun gods:
Mithra, Baal, Horus, Ra, Zeaus etc., because during this time, the ancients declared that "God's sun" had in the winter
solstice "died" for three days and was "born again" on December 25th.
But little recognized on this list is the one called Sol. He was said to die on Dec. 21 and to be reborn on Dec. 25.
Sol, as in solar, could have been where the term Saul came from
as Pol (Apollo & Apollonius) seems to become the name Paul.
During the time of Christ, Apollonius came to be the best known healer, prophet and religious authority in the known world.
born: AD 2, died: AD 98 or 99 which is similar to time of Paul.
The Greek Apollonius (named after the Greek sun god Apollo) was devoted to discovering and understanding all of the secret doctrines of all of the world's religions which would explain if he was Paul, why Paul compiled all cultures into one tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis Warning).
Apollonius is the one responsible for bringing the myths of Krishna into the Christ myth because he brought back to Rome the teachings of Krishna who Greeks called "Christos".
Hierocles claimed, it was Apollonius' library that was plagiarized to produce the New Testament, then Apollonius must have been the basis for the character of Paul of Tarsus. Paul, like Apollonius, was not married both came from Tarsus (Apollonius moved there at a young age) and he was called also called "POL".
Paul often wrote in his epistles as if those teachings were his own, not saying whose they were.
If Paul was the Greek POL then this would fit Daniel 10 the prince of Greece.
In Revelation 12, Michael leaves the temple to cast Satan out of heaven
(future earth)where the clue is in the midpoint of the 70th week of years when the antichrist is revealed and defiles the temple matching Antiochus in the second century B.C and what the Roman Army did in 70 A.D., so the destruction of Jerusalem in 70ad occurred after Michael left. Notice In Daniel 10 the angel said, that after he left, that the "prince of Greece" would come. That is exactly how the
eighth king(antichrist) came and was revealed as the "Greek" term CHRISTos which was the Pagan Prince or this Apollo/Pol (Paul) of Greece with the Krishna Myth masked on him, but not Israel's Prince Messiah.
Apollonius' passion for learning the secrets of every religion might be why the Myth of Jesus and the religion seems compiled of many myths and cultures.
He was reputed to have forced his way into the Holy of Holies, and got jailed for it. The Pharasees wanted him killed, but to his Roman jailers, this was not a killing offense, but neither could they release him.
does this not sound like the story might have been used in writting about Jesus?
They sought to flog him, but Apollonius stood on his Roman citizenship and the jailers backed down. Eventually, he was transfered out. He was also reported to have been imprisoned in Damascus, because of similar efforts.
So now we see this POL in Damascus as Paul is said to have found himself.
After a time, Apollonius was smuggled out of a window and into a wicker basket, similar to a story told of Paul (2 Co. 11:33).
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