Trinity Refuted
By Never Before Discussed Reasoning

No matter what Trinitarians & Missionaries try to sell you on the concept of trinity, there is one factor that everyone seems to allow to elude them. This is something never before discussed in this debate that can’t ever be refuted. Trinitarians believe in spirits & claim Jesus in the equation (trinity)of God and spirit and will one day return in what’s called as the second comming. This in itself proves they can’t count, ‘cause if he supposedly resurrected once before, then this would be his third time around, or forth according to Mormons, fifth if you’re a Branch Davidian who believes the Mormons. *S*
They are always worshipping the name Jesus and a portrait of Jesus (Forbidden in Deut.). Even though they don't know the actual personified look of the icon, nor it’s new vessel (ex: the Disciples didn’t recognize the flesh he took in the supposed resurrection accounts) So if this is the case, wouldn’t they end up missing the new vessel (body) which is never as the assumed portrait, & that comes with new name? Thus missing the so called spirit they believe is God and the essence of the original vessel named Jesus. In short, by worshipping Jesus they miss the second coming they so boast about. This proves the Trinity is false & harmful and the placed image and label of name which was forbidden then starts to make sense, as a warning to people who worship the creature and not the spirit as John said. Verses to back this: REV 3:12 “....and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.” 2:17 “I will give him a white pebble, and upon the the pebble a new name written which no one knows except the one receiving it.” The Gospel of Truth “He receives a certain name.” Conclusion; if you believe your own teachings of Holy spirit then by bringing a name Jesus into the equation would thwart the new name and new body from who’s right it is in the equation that would be more fitting. Now do you worship a forth? No, you should worship the ONE, who is formless, as a spirit is formless, then no matter what Vessel it chooses, we would be on track. Is this to simple for the Trinitarians to ever accept?
***You can tell a preacher this, but he will still go on directing people to the old Body and false image that distorts people from receiving the real messenger in time of need. Conclusion: They aren't interested in true salvation, they are interested in promoting an icon and traditions of pride, thus they are placing this icon over God as Isaiah 14:12 warned they would even mentioning this person as the Morning Star, thus Jesus Icon fulfills Isaiah's warning as Jesus in REV 22:16 admits he's the Morning Star. Now I dare you to look up Morning Star in the Dictionary. Surprise!***

Another great and conclusive argument that I use on the trinity, is so powerful that no one can refute or debate it. It’s so precise that it closes the debate just by revealing it.
(See Hebrews 5:5 &5:6 &6:20 to 7:28)
Including Hebrews 5:10 All refer to Jesus being designated by God a high priest after the order of Melchiz'edek.
Melchizedek- meaning Messenger prophet reflection of Righteousness, is another term for Archngel Michael, the top messenger reflection of God. This proves in their own scripture that he can’t be God or in a trinity with God, as well as proves he’s not Michael, nor equated to the Messenger Prophets in Michael’s Legion.
Now will you hate me for bringing the truth or will you be so bold as to thank me for removing the Blinders from your eyes? All depends on the removal of pride from your heart doesn’t it. Those with egos will still fight me and those who aren’t affraid to admit they were wrong will be saved.
-Michael HaShev Ben Chaim (Mike Night)-

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