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Give Thanks

The History Of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving was first celebrated in early colonial
times in New England. The actual origin is probably
the harvest festivals that are traditional in many
parts of the world.

After the first completed harvests by the Plymouth
colonists in 1621, Governor William Bradford
proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer,
shared by all the colonists and neighboring Native

In 1623 a day of fasting and prayer during a
period of drought was changed to one of thanksgiving
because the rain came during the prayers.
Gradually the custom prevailed in New England
of annually celebrating thanksgiving after the
harvest. During the American Revolution a yearly
day of national thanksgiving was suggested by the
Continental Congress.

In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a day of
thanksgiving, and since then each president has issued
a Thanksgiving Day proclamation, generally designating
the fourth Thursday of November as a holiday.

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