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This page is dedicated to my mother who had brain
surgery on December 2, 1999 to remove a tumor, and shortly
afterwards had pneumonia and a stroke. We found out in May
that the tumor has returned, and the doctors had given her only a short time to live.

My Mom went to be with the Lord November 13, 2000.

I made this globe for my mother. Please don't take. Thanks!


I remember nursery rhymes you taught me,
I can still repeat my heart,
tunes you hummed, happy melodies
you sang throughout our home
still fill my thoughts.

I remember the joy of Easter morning,
a basketful of eggs you dyed and topped
with a chocolate bunny.
Then going to church in my new white shoes,
crisp flowered skirt you sewed by hand,
and white starched blouse.

I remember the warmth of summertime--
blackberries I picked that you made into pies,
fresh butterbeans and okra you boiled
and surved with skillets of hot cornbread.

I remember waking at night crying, too
frightened to call, but you would come,
turn on the light, calm me with a hug
and chase the monsters out.

I remember the closeness of Christmastime,
our family warming around a crackling fire,
the aroma of cedar, fresh jam cake, the new
smell of toys. You made sure Santa brought
my favorites--a tea set and doll.

I remember long days you spent hard at work--
washing, ironing, scrubbing--
times you went without so I could have
something I thought I could not live without.

I remember the values you drilled in me,
the love of God you instilled in me,
special moments we shared as mother
and daughter, but most of all

I remember your love.

Written by Sue--Copyright 1999-2000
I wrote this poem for my mother and gave it to her on
Mother's Day, 1994.

If mothers were flowers, I'd pick you--
the perfect rose.

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"A Song For Mamma"