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A Parrothead Christmas

Twas a parrothead Christmas, and all along the beach, the phlock was gathered, margaritas within reach,

Hawaiian shirts were hung by the hammocks with care, in hopes that Bubba Claus soon would be there,

The keets were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of cheeseburgers danced in their heads,

While I in my grass skirt and ma in her coco-bra, had just settled down after planning for Mardi Gras,

When out on the waves there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the sand to see what was the matter,

Away to the shoreline I went in a flash, blew out my flip-flop during my dash,

And what to my sunglass wearing eyes should appear, but a Grunman Albatross full of Corona Beer!

With a grinning little driver, blond hair and a tan,and his co-pilots, the Coral Reefer band,

More rapid than eagles the dolphins they came, and he whistled and shouted and called them by name,

"Now Frankie, Now Lola, now Amy Lee,

On Mac! On Fingers! On Peter and Utley!

To the shore and the sand! to where water meets land!

Now swim away, swim away, me and my band!

So up to the white sand, the dolphins they flew, with a load of frozen drinks, and Bubba Claus too! and then, in a twinkling, gone in a flash, back to the ocean, with one mighty splash!

As I drew down my cool-rays, and then rubbed my eyes, I could not believe it, it was such a surprise! His clothes were the color of all the rainbows, and with his bag o'cd's, he struck quite a pose!

His Ray-Ban's, how they twinkled - his dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry (too little SPF)! The stump of a stogie, held tight in his teeth, with it's fragrant smoke circling his head like a wreath,

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work, and filled all the blenders, then turned with a jerk, then stuffed all the hammocks with bottles of rum,and laying his hands upon his tum,

I heard him exclaim, as he surfed out of sight "Jolly Christmas to all mon, and to all a good night!!"

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Copyright 1999 by Kim Mullins
