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You know you're addicted to the Internet if :

* You wake up at 3am to go to the bathroom and stop to check your e-mail and ICQs first.* *You get a tattoo that reads "This body best viewed with Netscape."* *You name your kids Eudora, Mozilla, and Dotcom.* *You turn off your modem and get this awful empty feeling, like you just pulled the plug on a loved one.* *You spend half the plane trip with your laptop on your lap...and your child in the overhead compartment. Whoops!* *You decide to stay in college for another year or two just for the free access.* *You laugh at people with 9600-baud modems.* *You start using smilies in your snail mail.* *Your hard drive crashes,you haven't logged on for two hours, you start to twitch.You pick up the phone and manually dial the # of your ISP, you try to hum to communicate with the modem.....and you succeed.* *You find yourself typing "com" after every period when using a word* *You refer to going to the bathroom as downloading.* *You start introducing yourself as dot at dot com.* *All of your closest friends have an @ in their names.* *Your pet has its own home page.* *You can't call your mother because she doesn't have a modem.* *Your phone bill comes to your door in a box.* *You don't know what sex three of your closest friends are, because they have neutral nicknames and you never bothered to ask.* *You move into a new house and decide to Netscape before you landscape* *You tell the cab driver you live at "http://1000 Oak St/house/"**You kiss your significant others homepage.**Your bookmark list is longer than your screen.** Your eyeglasses have the logo burned into them.**You brainstorm for new search subjects.**You keep a pen and paper with you at all times in case a URL pops up.**You finally take a vacation, but only after buying a cellular modem and a laptop.**Your dreams are in HTML.**You turn on your intercom when leaving the room in case new mail or an ICQ alert arrives.**Your wife drapes a blonde wig over the monitor to remind you of what she looks like.**You've already visited all the links at Yahoo and you're halfway through Lycos.**You refer to your age as 3x.**You code your homework in HTML and give the instructor the URL.**Your husband tells you he's had the beard for two months.**The last girl you picked up was only a jpeg.**You ask your plumber how much it would cost to replace the chair in front of your comp with a toilet.**You wonder how your ISP can say 200 hours a month is "unlimited".**Your spouse says communication is important, so you buy another computer and install a second phone line so you can "chat".**The last time you looked at the clock it was 9pm, the next thing you know your sister is running by to catch the 7am bus.**The TV remote is missing..and you don't even care.**You check your says you have no new you check it again.**The power goes out and the electric company automatically blocks your frantic calls.**Your fingers type on the sheets as you sleep.**Friends without computers don't call you, they call your other friends and say send you an Instant Message to call them.** ============================================================================================================================== Got any new ones or ones I missed ?? E-mail me and I'll get em on here!! **********************************************************************************************

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