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A Parrothead in Poplarville

Thanks for the banner SpencerMon!!

Click here to see concert pics from NOLA 1999!!

A Parrothead Christmas

Hi and welcome to my Jimmy Buffett Page! My name is Kim and I have been a "Parrothead" since I was 14 and first saw Jimmy at the New Orleans World's Fair.But I actually think I was a parrothead long before that and didn't know it! I was born in Ocean Springs , Mississippi, which is also where Jimmy spent alot of time along the gulf coast. I lived in Mississippi and Texas until I was 6, then moved over to the nation of Singapore with my family, as my dad is in the oil business. Yep, I've crossed the ocean for more than just thrills! Growing up, I was lucky enough to be able to travel alot, and I got to spend alot of time on the beach and in other tropical heavens!! I was and still am in love with the ocean and any water related thing, and have been to many places where I could indulge myself. These places include Bali, Thailand, Hawaii, the Bahamas, Australia, Mexico, all over the Caribbean ( St. Lucia is awesome! ), Malaysia and pretty much anywhere in SE Asia and the Pacific!! One of my favorite places to go though is right here at home, on the Florida Panhandle and the "Redneck Riviera" of Gulf Shores, Alabama! When I win the Powerball (note the positive outlook!), I plan to build my own parrothead paradise where I can phlock with fellow friends in one of these places.....and of course have an unlimited supply of Coronas and Margaritas on hand.. and Jimmy booming from the Bose! Ahhh....aren't daydreams the greatest!! Some of my other interests are Tommy, jetskiing, anything outdoors, "retail therapy" (aka shopping!), FLORIDA, jeeps, my labradors, and just enjoying life!

After moving back stateside when I was 16, I moved here to southern Mississippi and moved in with my Granny while my parents lived in southern Texas, as they felt the schools were better here! The fact that I didn't know a lick of Spanish at the time influenced the decision as well! Anyway, I soon found myself, just like Jimmy, attending Pearl River Junior College, majoring in Political Science (much unlike JB!). If you read Jimmy's latest book you know what he thought of ol' PRJC....and I! And some of the people he wrote about in the book are still here and doing well, Hal and Ruby Breland are still living here, and their son, James Hal is a good friend of mine and a Parrothead as well! Jimmy would be proud! My husband, who is a wee pinch older than, also attended PRC at the same time as Jimmy,and he says that he was always carrying that guitar around and singing to the girls. If he had only knew! We all gather up to go see him when we can, our last visit was at last years JazzFest in N.O., we were right by the stage!! Altogether I have seen JB 7 times, and hope to triple that number, at least!! His music is a wonderful escape from the pressures of my job as an Investigator for the Pearl River Sheriff's Department, and it takes me back to all of the good times I had overseas and with friends. It's also special to Tommy and I as well as we have shared many laughs, Coronas and stogies over his music! It always makes our day! So here is my attempt to pay homage to the man himself, and put a little bit of what I think is the ultimate lifestyle out to the world !! Hope you enjoy it!! Please sign my guestbook, I'd hate to have to put the gris-gris on ya!! And if you want to check out my main home page, just click on the dancing pink flamingo!!

Our enviroment is being challenged daily by forces too big even for it to withstand. From large corporations to the smallest child, everything we do as human beings affects our planet, and often it is for the worst. We must teach everyone the value of conservation and make an effort to slow the damage. Some of the links on this page are dedicated to this, so please take a few minutes and check them out, you might enjoy them! Thanks !

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Links to live by.........

The Cozmeaux Chronicle - my main page !
Parrothead Suz Page-Great stuff!!
The Coconut Modem
Key West Official Margaritaville Site
Fort Walton Beach ,Florida
Emerald Coast Online
Panama City, Florida
The Parrothead Handbook
Parrot Central - Great boat drink recipes and more!!
Parrot Heads In Paradise
Finz - Cool site!
Billy Peoples - The Ol' Parrothead
