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E If you have any suggestions and got a question or want to say something about this site please feel free to mail and sign my guestbook. Suggestions are always welcome ! I am not responsible for what is found on these files, I am not forcing you to download anything from this page. If you didn't find that you were looking for, try to come in some days. You can post your questions at the message board, some other users can also help you there. Anyway check them out ...

      napster Napster
  • Version: 2.0 Beta 7
  • File Size: 1,587Kb
  • exe File: napv2b7
  •       Napster is a music sharing program, and once you have it, you can expand your music collection quickly and easily. Napster is the most popular form of getting music, and most of the Internet music community uses it. It will provide you with an easy way to get almost any song.

          gnutella Gnutella
  • Version: 0.56
  • File Size: 98.7Kb
  • exe File: gnutel056
  •        Gnutella is a program that will let you share and get files and music. It's the program of the future because Gnutella isn't a centralized group of computers, so it can't be sued. Grab it now while it's hot! Gnutella is nothing but a protocol. It's just freely-accessible information. There is no company to sue. No one entity is really responsible for Gnutella.

       SX Scour Exchange Scour Xchange
  • Version: 3.0 Beta 4
  • File Size: 1.50MB
  • exe File: S?E?Setup
  •        Scour Exchange (SX) is a revolutionary software program that will change the way you experience entertainment. With Scour Exchange you can share your favorite music, videos, and even your most embarrassing photos with users all around the wired world.

          gnotella Gnotella
  • Version: 0.73
  • File Size: 3 MB
  • exe File: gnotella073
  •        Gnotella is clone of Gnutella, a distributed real time search and file sharing program. Gnutella and its clones form a peer-to-peer network over which you can share files you specify, search for, and download files that others in the network (referred to as the gnutellaNet) are sharing. Due to the nature of the network, the number of users, files, and size of the files available can vary dramatically and rapidly.

          napigator Napigator
  • Version: 1.14
  • File Size: 1.69 MB
  • exe File: NGATOR114
  •        Napigator is your free navigator to nap servers. It is your exclusive guide to helping you find almost all the Internet audio online you want. Napigator works side-by-side with your favorite Windows nap client, giving you an up to date status of all nap servers on various networks, including the new and openly free Opennap Network and popular Napster Network. (Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher must be installed)

          OpenNap OpenNap
  • Version: 0.36
  • File Size: 245Kb
  • zip File: opennap36
  •        Napster is a protocol for sharing files between users. With Napster, the files stay on the client machine, never passing through the server. The server provides the ability to search for particular files and initiate a direct transfer between the clients. In addition, chat forums similar to IRC are available. OpenNap extends the Napster protocol to allow sharing of any media type, and the ability to link servers together.

          wrapster Wrapster
  • Version: 2.0
  • File Size: 828,013 Bytes
  • exe File: wsetup20
  •        Wrapster is a program that lets you share any files you want over the popular Napster community. The name comes from the idea that you're "wrapping" a collection of files in a legitimate looking MP3 header. The software creates archives that can contain anything from movies, full albums and the latest warez releases to just plain old images and perl scripts. These archives can be searched for on the Napster network by specifying a specially preset bitrate and frequency that identify Wrapster files.

    E        To download files its better to use special program, which could resume stopped downloads (what happens often), the examples of such program is Get Right.

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