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Horseshoe Crab
General Info
Dorsal Side
Ventral Side


Blue Crab


Here is your
Dissection Info!


Mollusca Info

Shark Structure
Pelagic Shark Info

White Oak


Manatee Info

Ocean Futures
(A great Sci. Issue Page!)

Contact Me!

Class Links!
Complete Vocab List

Learn About the Killer Gobies!

Whale Birth!

Animal Pictures

Student Pages!

Bart's Kids!

Marine Science Chat Community

Scott Family Dive Page

Shell Database

Current Homework

Marine Science

Explorer Maps

Eclipse Pics

Sept. 22
Marine Science
Field Trip!

Shark Pics 2000!

Squid Dissection

Titanic Notes

W e l c o m e !

Welcome the the Marine Science course at White Oak High School! I look forward to having you in my class, and I hope that you will leave it with a strong understanding and appreciation of the marine environment.

My philosophy for my class and teaching is one of respect - I will give you the utmost respect and I wish it in return. This does not mean that if I feel you are not working to your full potential I will not take issue with it. I will speak to you, nag at you, and otherwise push you for your very best!

Let me remind you that it is essential that you be prepared for class every day, and that means you remember to bring your notebook, your books, and any extra needed material. We work so hard and so fast, to fall behind would cause you quite a bit of heartache!

Also, your Notebook needs to be divided into five sections, which are: Notes, Vocabulary, Labs, Completed Assignments, and Current Marine Science Issues.

My Grading Scale is quite simple, and is as follows:

50% of final grade = Tests
20% of final grade = Quiz
20% of final grade = Labs
10% of final grade = Homework

I assign extra credit every grading period which you can choose to do if you so wish. I also offer supplementary tutoring each and every Tuesday and Thursday which is used for make-up from excused absences, and additional help.

I hope you find this page helpful with your studies. I will be adding to this with the Assignments, and Current Topics for the course. Your syllabus is located on this page so you may reference it at any time to keep track of your reading. Please remember to contact me if there are any difficulties as I will do my best to help you.

What do we do in Marine Science?
  • We explore our coastal environment
  • We debate current environmental issues
  • We do hands-on studies including water testing and dissection
  • We learn to recognize the importance of our global environment

Want to learn more? Please feel free to contact me here, as I would love to answer your questions!

Course Syllabus