~Clearing & Cleansing Your Stones~

Cyrstals and Gemstones both conduct positive and negative energies.Before using a stone you must clear all prior energy to restore to it's natural balanced and clear energy.
Outdoor Method
Lay out your stones on a cotton lined tray.Place in sun for several hours.If you can place them close to plants the clearing will be much more powerfull."Be carefull.....birds and other wild animals may take off with them".
Moonlight or Rain
Same as above,however stones can be placed on an inside window ledge at night in the moonlight.
Rain Method
Stones love the rain......Same as sun-method leave in the rain and allow to dry naturally in the sun. If the weather is cooperating.
Sea-Salt Method
Use 1 cup of water to 2 cups of natural spring water. Place stones in the sea-salt water and lallow to sit a few hours. If the day is sunny, remove and let them dry in the sunshine a few hours or if they are lunar stones , lay on windowsill throughout the night.
Sand or Soil Method
Bury stones in moist sand or soil. It is much better to place directly in the earth....just remember to mark where you buried them so you don't forget. Leave them buried a full 24 hours. This is especially useful for negative energies or after all the above had failed and the stones still do not feel balanced. Use no wrappings.

~Stones that are damaged by Sunlight~
translucent types often lose colour.
becomes paler.
becomes paler.
may change colour.
green and purple types change colour.
~Rose Quartz~
becomes paler.
~Smokey Quartz~
becomes paler.
is most happier in moonlight.
