~Kitty Folklore~

A person who drowned a cat would someday suffer the same fate.

A farmer who killed a cat would expect a mysterious illness to kill of his cattle and crops.

Scottish immigrants believed a cat that entered a room where a body was awaiting burial had to be killed at once.If she were not the next person the cat touched would be blinded immediatly.

In the eerie mountains of Transylvania and other Eastern European countries, it was common wisdom that if a cat jumped over a dead body, the unfortunate corpse was doomed to eternity as a vampire.
Immigrants from Eastern Europe surrounded the coffins of their dearly departed loved ones with hundreds of blazing candles to keep the curious cat from leaping over it and preventing the spirit from resting in peace.

In some parts of the old world, the cat was placed in an empty and waiting cradle of a newlywed couple in the belief that she would quickly grant their wish for a child. The pennsylvania Dutch still follow this tradition today.

In the early 16th century, a visitor to an English home would
always kiss the family cat.

Thousands of years ago Kitties were worshipped as Gods,They have never forgotten this.

"Meow" is like Aloha'-It can mean anything.

When a kitty washes behind it's ears-expect visitors.

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