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Hospital Games

"Brynnsbeth," Maggie whispered in awe, looking around the old place as some attendants helped her mother onto a stretcher and rolled her away.

A tall man shuffled by with his head down, straightjacket fastened. "I am the life and the resurection," he mumbled as he shuffled on by.

A shorter man also walked by, and he glanced over. "Sarah? Maggie?" he asked.

"Stan!" they both cried, running over to hug the man who suffered from extreme schitzophrenia.

"Why are you back here?" Stan asked. "I heard that your parents came and got you."

"They did. We just crash landed here. Our mother's about to have another baby."

Stan's shoulder twitched. "Oh?" he asked.

"How have you been?" Sarah asked.

He twitched again, then threw himself on the floor. Maggie turned back to her sisters and father. "Good old Stan!" she said proudly.

Mulder looked nervous. "Ehh, I'm going to stay with your mother," he said, running off at full speed.

A group of inmates came swarming in, hearing that their twin friends were back again. "Penelope!" Sarah cried, hugging the cannibal who was wearing a muzzle over her mouth. "Hi Sar," Penelope said with a restrained grin.

Bob, the glass-eater (see the makeover story for cross-reference) was there too. So was the manic Joe, the demented Andrea, the passive-agressive Steve, the paranoid Ellen and...ARI??

"ARI?" they all shrieked.

Ari sat in a corner, her face and body covered in scars from a chandelier. "ARI?" Sarah said, going over to her "dead" sister pensivly.

Ari didn't reply, just looked up. "Hi," she said.

"Ari, you're dead! You're buried in the backyard!" Dani shouted.

"No I'm not," Ari said. "I was, but then some guy came to my grave claiming to be the resurrection and the life, and here I am."

"Wow," Maggie breathed, taking a handful of salt out of her pocket and making a circle around herself.

"It's okay, I'm normal now. Only they think I'm nuts for claiming to be dead. I won't be out of here for four, five years."

"Good, we'll be in college by then," Sarah muttered.

Just then, a loud buzzer sounded. Maggie and Sarah looked at each other with glee. "Recreation hour!" they screamed. Ari scrambled to her feet and joined Maggie and Sarah as they ran off with all the other inmates.

Intrigued, Téa and Dani each lifted a twin and bolted after their sisters.

They found themselves in a large, gymnasium type area, complete with padded walls and armed guards. Maggie and Sarah were giggling happily, throwing themselves into the wall and bouncing back out, slamming onto the floor with painful thuds that left brutal bruises.

Dani and Téa looked around in awe. There were all sorts of cool games going on. Hopscotch for Retards, with squares so big you could lie down in them, and electrical impulses surging around the outside, so if you lost, it would zap you. Some inmates were jumproping with rubber barbed wire. Others were bungee-jumping onto the padded floor.

"Wow!" Dani cried in excitement as Missy and Samantha struggled to get down and go play.

A huge trampoline and jacuzzi were in the middle of the room, and some very wet people were happily bouncing away. A concession stand sold french fries, pickles and Diet Coke. A huge banner, proclaiming "CYBERLAND", complete with cows, ran across one wall. There was happy Rent music blasting from the speakers.

Dani gasped as she saw Deep Throat sitting quietly with a laptop computer.

Téa stayed with the babies as Dani went to see what Deep Throat was up to...being alive and being in a mental institution.

"Deep Throat?"

He looked up. "Ahh, Dani," he said in his low, throaty voice (hence, his name). "What brings you here?"

"Scully's in labor," Dani explained.

"Ahh," Deep Throat said. "Your mother."

"No, my adoptive mother."

"No," Deep Throat said, showing her the screen.

Dani was shocked. "What's that?"

"Your real birth certificate."

Dani groaned. "Not again!" she shouted. "Hasn't this happened enough?!"

"Last time," Deep Throat assured her.

She glanced at the screen and gasped.

Mulder and Scully were her real parents? How was that possible?

But then again, how were Maggie and Sarah possible?

She just walked off, not even wanting to know.


I'm Miss World - somebody kill me!

Kill me, Pills - no one is listening my friend.