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Heeeeeere's Baby!

Slowly, hand in hand, Maggie and Sarah made their way down their old ward where their mother was having their newest sibling. Maggie was still ice cold, and Sarah was still deathly pale. They stopped and listened to hear the nearly inaudible and heartwarming chatter of their parents.

Sarah looked shocked. "Is it here already?" she asked, her eyes wide with shock.

Maggie shrugged, her lips trembling. "It's worth a look."

They pushed open the door to their old room, 619. The air was no longer mucky, the windows had been forced open and sunlight streamed in. The padding on the walls had long since been removed, and the beds Maggie and Sarah had occupied were shoved in a corner. A larger bed was occupied by their mother, and their father was sitting beside her as she cradled a small bundle in her arms.

Mulder looked over. "Where are your sisters?" he demanded.

"Playing with the inmates," Sarah said nonchalantly. "Mom, that was fast."

Scully was hardly paying attention, but was marveling over the new child.

"So, what's the name of this sister?" Sarah asked as she and Maggie advanced towards their parents and the baby.

"Oh no," Scully said, finally tuning in. "Damn luck has finally betrayed us. This is your brother."

"What?" shrieked Maggie. Sarah looked shocked. "A brother?" Maggie cried. "Are you kidding me? You mean it's not a girl?"

Her parents both grinned. "Nope."

Sarah stayed back, arms crossed. "I don't believe in babies, boys or girls," she said. Maggie advanced to the small baby in the fuzzy, soft, blue blanket in her mothers arms and peered inside to see a peaceful, sleeping face. Yes, peaceful. "How un-Mulderlike," Maggie marveled, noting his small nose and tiny, bowed lips. His hair was sparse, a light brown fuzz with just a hint of red. He yawned, his little mouth opening wide and a small gurgling sound emerging from his throat. "Oh, Sarah!" Maggie squealed. "He's cute!"

Sarah frowned, but advanced gingerly to peer in at her brother. And they say, in Whoville that day, Sarah's heart grew four sizes...or was that the Grinch? Either way, Sarah forgot about hating small babies and cooed over the baby along with Maggie. "He's adorable!" Sarah gushed as Téa and Dani came in, leading Missy and Sammie by the hands.

"He?" Téa asked.

Dani smiled, remembering the little notes about the baby in her little blue notebook that had been written there by the Moon Goddess, she assumed. Either that or the Hornéd Monkey God.

"He, we have a brother!" Sarah called.

Missy immediatly began to sob. "No fair!" she shrieked.

Scully stroked the baby's face and cooed, "Hello my precious baby boy! You are so sane! Yes you are!"

"Gag me," Dani whispered.

"Hey, what's his name?" Téa asked as everyone crowded around.

Scully suddenly lost her happy look. "Well," she said slowly. "I feel slightly bad that both of my brothers were indirectly killed by my own hand, so we've decided to name him Charles William."

"Charlie," Maggie cooed.

"Char-Man," Sarah cooed, taking Charlie's small hand and holding it in her own. "Love of my life," she cooed, making Maggie and Dani laugh and making everyone else look sort of mystified.

"If only his body was covered in curly white hair," Dani whispered.

"And if he made really annoying noises when he ate," Maggie laughed, getting a kick from Sarah.

"Leave Charlie alone," she said with a broad smile as Stan ran by, trying to escape being eaten by Penelope, who had broken free of her muzzle.

That's it! Go home now! Nothing more to see here, move along, people!

I am the girl you know, can't look you in the eye