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Pilot Crap

"Where were you?" Mulder demanded. "Where are we?"

"Oh shit," Maggie moaned. "He finally snapped out of it."

"Out of what?" Mulder demanded.

"We kind of poisoned you," Dani admitted sheepishly.

"You weren't lying!" he cried, looking back at Scully who was trying to breathe but failing miserably, moaning about so-called consensual sex. "I thought it was labor induced mania!"

Suddenly, the plane began to back up. Maggie, Sarah and Dani, still standing, shrieked and were thrown back into Mulder's lap. He pushed them off.

"We're on a plane to Tokyo," Sarah said sheepishly.

"Madrid," Maggie corrected.

"Actually," a voice came over the loudspeaker, as the plane seemed to skip about 30 minutes of pre-takeoff stuff to get the chapter going, and took off. "We're on our way to Alaska."

No one recognized the voice. Suddenly, Scully sat straight up. "Charlie!" she screamed.

"Who?" Téa asked.

"Where?" cried Sarah.

"Charlie, no!" Maggie cried, realizing what was happening.

An evil, maniacal cackle followed.

"Crap," Mulder muttered. "Another Scully brother."

"Spork you!" Scully screamed.

"Whoa," her children said, backing up in shock.

She suddenly groaned and doubled over. "Mom?" Dani cried, panicked.

"Owww," Scully moaned.

"Oh crap," Sarah moaned, dancing around in circles and flapping her hands. "Crap crap crap crap crap!"

"Mulder...this cannot be happening!" Scully cried, suddenly sounded scared out of her mind.

"Oh Toaster," Maggie sighed as a figure emerged from the cockpit.

He was short in stature, not out-of-the-ordinary for a decendant of William Scully Sr. He was not stout, however, but muscular and slender. He wore a blue pilots uniform and a NICAP hat. Scully's eyes were glazed with tears.

"Charlie," she whispered. "I haven't seen you since I babysat your son in Home."

"That was season 4...this is 7!" Charlie screamed, pulling out a revolver.

"Jesus Christ," Maggie muttered, walking to the back of the plane to get some quiet time to think.

"Char...Char..." Scully gasped, wondering if she would actually faint. Finally, she found her voice.

"Charlie!" Scully cried, still gasping for breath. "I didn't know you were a pilot!"

Charles Scully tipped his hat. "It all started in the Gulf War...they got me, Dana...they'll get you too..."

Mulder screamed and brought out his gun. "NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" everyone yelled.

But they were too late. Mulder brought out his gun because of a subliminal message saying that it was about to go off, and Charles jumped out of the plane. Scully screamed and started to cry.

"No, Charlie, Charlie!" she screamed, reaching out where her brother had jumped. Then she started to cry even harder as she doubled over in pain.

Téa, Dani, Sarah, and Maggie stood still and terrified, their hearts breaking for their poor mother who had already endured so much. Dead brother, dead sister, crazy brother, dead father, dead daughter, dead dog...poor woman. And to top it off, she was in labor with another nutcase of a baby.

And the tension grew.

The Blame Game

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All the way back home

I, Margaret Ann Mulder, would like to take this opportunity to tell you all that "Man on the Moon", starring Jim Carrey and one of two goddesses, COURTNEY LOVE, absolutely SUCKED. If you see it, YOU ARE A MORON. It was the WORST movie I have EVER seen...and I have seen some BAD movies! It was so stupid! It SUCKED! DO NOT SEE IT!


The Management.