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The Blame Game

"This is all your fault!" Scully yelled, pointing at her four oldest daughters. "You're the ones who poisoned us and brought us on this damn plane!"

"Yeah, but you wouldn't be pissed if you weren't pregnant!" Maggie cried. "HE got you pregnant!" she said, pointing to Mulder.

"It was consensual!" Sarah said, running over to side with her father.

"Traitor!" Maggie screamed, starting to cry. "Mommy!" she whined, reaching out for a hug. Scully's soft spot melted suddenly and she went to hug Maggie.

"It wasn't as consensual as you may think," Mulder shot.

Dani covered her ears. "Oh please, people. I don't need the details of your sex life."

Missy started to cry, as usual. "Mom-meeee!" she wailed, hiccuping. She was already going through a rough biological time. She had recently turned four after just being two, and after skipping a year of life, she wasn't sure how to use all the information she aquired during the year she hadn't lived. She had the abilities of a four year old but the knowledge of an EW year old. She didn't know how to use her language. "Coffee toilet grass butterfly!" she screamed, stomping her foot and crying even harder.

Scully lost it again. "Come here, baby," she said in a sweet voice, and Missy went running.

Samantha was not to be outdone. She squeezed her eyes shut and started to scream and throw a fit, pulling at her fine, shoulder length, nearly black curls. "Dah-deeee!" she screamed until Mulder picked her up.

Téa and Dani eagerly ate their plane snacks and watched the family tragedy unfold.

The insults began to fly between Mulder and Scully and between Maggie and Sarah.

"You whine too much!" Mulder yelled.

"You're a picky perfectionist!" Sarah screamed.

"You have no tolerance!" Scully wailed.

"Well you're a slob!" Maggie shrieked.

"You're bitchy!" Mulder accused.

"You're annoying!" Sarah proclaimed.

"Your feet stink!" Scully announced, doubling over as she was hit by a contraction.

As if by magic, the small feud ended. Mulder ran to his wife to soothe her through the contraction. Maggie and Sarah ran to each other, hugged, then slumped to the foor to suck their thumbs, watching their parents in fear as they regressed a few years. And it was then that they notcied that they *still* weren't alone on the plane...

"Death to the Republic!, oops?"

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