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Death to the Republic!, oops?

A blond, leggy, voluptuous nurse...der, flight attendant was standing there. "Can I get you a soda?" she asked, flashing her big, white, square teeth.

"AHHH!" Sarah cried. "A blond!"

"Margi?" Maggie asked sweetly.

"How about some peanuts?"

"How about you die?" Dani suggested.

"Okay," she said, pulling a plastic knife out of her pocket and attempting to stab herself with it.

They all watched curiously, until Scully through her head back and wailed in pain. "BLEEP!" she screamed in agony.

The attendant didn't notice.

"Is she an alien?" Mulder wondered out loud.

"I think she's a robot," Maggie said, walking up and punching her in the face. "OW!" Maggie screamed, pieces of titanium lodged into her knuckles. "Dammit!"

Sparks flew out of her head and ignited her hair on fire. Her eyes popped out of her fake head and she began to laugh in an evil, robotic way.

Everyone screamed.

They all tried to make the sign of the toaster with their hands, Scully made a cross easily and Mulder was trying to make a Jewish star, but couldn't.

Maggie's skates appeared again. She threw one hard at the robot. Sparks again flew, and the robot exploded. Maggie sobbed. "My skate!" she wailed.

"It's okay, Maggs," Sarah soothed as another flight attendant came running towards them.

Mulder grabbed Maggie's other skate and threw.

It hit her in the chest. Blood started to spew.

"Shi...!" Mulder cried, running over and pulling the skate out. the woman coughed, blood spraying in the air.

"Oh my Toaster!" Maggie shrieked. "It's Detective White!"

"In that case," Mulder said, shrugging. "Dani, take it away."

Dani zapped her with her foldable wand she kept in her pocket. Detective White disintergrated. And they all had a hearty laugh, until Scully started to wail in pain again.


Look Papa, a frog on my toe!

Go on, take everything