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"I Always Knew *Thippit*'s Were a Bad Idea..."

Hurrying back from getting bagels, Dani realized that she forgot to buy the Diet Coke. Shrugging, she left the bagels in a small pile near a gate with a plane leaving for Tunisia, ran back, bought some soda, and went to grab her bagels.

They were gone.

"HEY!" she screamed in rage. "Airport food is not cheap you little blankholes! Where the bleep are my bleepin' bagels?"

She looked around. A few people were staring at her with annoyed looks on their faces. "Bite me," she said sweetly to all those staring, then turned to see a security officer walking towards her rapidly. "Oh damn the man," she moaned as he pulled out his nightstick, ready to club her if needed.

"What seems to be the problem?" the man asked.

"Someone stole my bagels," Dani said heatedly. "I left them right there, and they're probably on their way to Tunguska, Russia...or maybe Terma, North Dakota. It's hard to tell these days. But I am not happy, sir, and I would like a reimbursment."

Sarah had been walking back to the plane from the bathroom and overhead Dani. "Are you stupid or something?" she asked, laughing hysterically. Maggie joined the group a second later. "What?" she asked.

Sarah was laughing so hard that tears were coursing down her face and she was doubled over in pain. "Dani...wants to be...reimbursed for bagels...she...lost!" Sarah gasped, on the verge of vomiting she was laughing so hard.

Maggie stood silently and shrugged. "So?"

Sarah laughed even harder and louder. "Excuse me young lady, if you don't stop this behaviour, I'll get out my rubber hose and beat you profusely with it," the officer said.

"Thippit!" Dani screamed in protection of her belovéd sister, thippiting the officer multiple times. The man screamed, then finally fell onto the floor in a bloody mess. Maggie stood open-mouthed.

"Oops," Dani said sheepishly.

Sarah and Maggie stood openmouthed. "You dumbass!" Maggie shrieked. "You can't kill people in public! What the hell is wrong with you?" she cried.

"I'm psycho, I'm evil, I'm psychic, I'm a bastard child, I'm unnaturally small," Dani began to list, counting off on her fingers.

"Shut up!" Sarah hissed. "Let's get back to the plane before..."

Suddenly, ew officers were swarming over Dani, tapping their nightsticks into the palms of their hands. "Excuse me, Miss," one said, handcuffing Dani.

Sarah groaned. "You stupid shit," she muttered. "Now how are we gonna get to Tokyo?"

"We're going to Madrid," Maggie said with a frown.

"No, Tokyo!" Sarah cried.

"Madrid!" shrieked Maggie.





"Um, a little help here?" asked Dani as the officers started to drag her away.

"Okay," Maggie said, dusting off her hands. "That guy in Humbug, Dr. Blockhead was it? Where is he when you need him?"

"HELP!" Dani shrieked.

"Oh yeah," Maggie said. Out of nowhere, a childhood skill came back as she laced up a pair of skates that magically appeared on her feet as Sarah quickly stretched her muscles, ready to kick ass with gymnastics.

Suddenly, the two were wearing different clothes. Maggie's hair was pulled tightly back in a ballerina bun, and thick stockings covered her legs. The skirt of her skating dress fell just to her knees, and was gauzy, light blue. It fluttered when she walked, and was more like a few pieces of organza hanging loosley from her hips. The top was also light blue and covered in sparkles. Sarah wore the exact same thing, only she didn't have a skirt, it was more like shorts.

Maggie seemed to have some weird ability to skate on the carpet, because she skated towards the police, picking up speed. Dani moaned and winced, knowing she was going to be narrowly or not at all missed with a skate. Maggie executed a perfect EW-turn, threw out her right foot and whipped it around her other ankle, throwing herself up high into the air, spinning rapidly. "SALCHOW!" she screamed, landing heavily on top of two police officers. Dani was still being held, however, by the third (EW!) officer. Sarah ran quickly towards him, did a quick round-off, then launched herself into the air in a backflip, slamming her feet into the officers face as she went down.

"WHOA!" Dani screamed. Suddenly, they were all on ice skates. Dani and Sarah screamed and wobbled as Maggie grabbed them by their hands and starting skating away rapidly. They were going so fast that they could barely see what was happening.

Before they knew it, they were standing before the door to their plane, ice skates gone. Maggie and Sarah still wore their wacky outfits. Sarah and Maggie smiled and slapped each other five. "Score one for the psycho twins," they said proudly, boarding the plane.

Pilot Crap

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