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The Official Bio of Daddy

Name: Fox William Mulder

Other names lived under: Marty Mulder, F.B.I., M. F. Luder, George E. Hale and Rob Petrie.

Height: I be tall.

Eye color: Hazel and beautiful.

Hair color: Brown...nothin special.

Birthday: 10-13-1961

Birthplace: I swear to God, there are NO hospitals on the vineyard.

Mother: Teena Mulder, suicidal

Father: William Dead-Ass Mulder

Siblings: Samantha. *slowly* Shaaa-maaaann-thaaaaaa. Nooooooooooo...

Paranoias: I can sum it up in two words: everything. Shit, that was one word, wasn't it?

Favourite article of clothing: My speedo, of course.

Shoe size: Big?

Drink of choice: Iced tea. ROOTBEER IS EVIL!!

Favourite Colour: Cerulean. It's like a gentle breeze...

Favourite chemical: Is bile a chemical?

Most likely to be caught thinking about: Building a tower of furniture with my lovely wife.

Favourite blunt objects: My fist and yo' face!

Favourite PJs: Mmm, who said anything about pajamas?

Strangest thing owned: My fish that never die.

Strangest thing done: Welllll...there was this one time I got obsessed with gargoyles and spent hours sculpting one...that was pretty f*cking weird...

Everyday activities: Getting to the heart of a global conspiracy which affects every man, woman and child on this planet while sitting in a little bar getting drunk off my ass and pissing on an ID4 poster while some freak of nature pisses beside me, hunting down aliens and of course, my lovely wife, Dana....(pst, you can take the gun away from my head, I wrote it down, okay?)

Psychotic level: Shut up.

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