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The Bio of Dani

Name: Danielle Lucetta Seragi Bruckman-Carter-Covarrubias-Kendrick-Mulder aka Dani, call me Dani or Danibelle *phew* What a mouthful.

Other names lived under: Krystyn's kind of my pen name *shhhh*

Height: *glares* Don't even start with me...

Eye color: Normally blue, but quite red when I'm mad or about to kick your ass.

Hair color: *looks in a mirror* Well, it's reddish brown, but I need more hair dye, so it'll be red later.

Birthday: January 27, 1984

Birthplace: To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure. Maybe Terma, maybe Tunguska, maybe Bellefleur, maybe Aubrey, maybe Bohemia, the world may never know.

Mother: Marita Covarrubias & alien

Father: Clyde Bruckman & alien

Siblings: Wally (she's institutionalized, and I really hope she never gets out because she might actually kill me...), Tèa (we all know her, right? Right.), and Eve (deceased...she was thrown off a bridge by our psycho surrogate Mother, Sky Walker) are biologically related to me, but Sarah, Maggie, Sammy, Missy, Charlie, Scully, and Mulder are related to me by law...weird.

Paranoias: Maggie and Sarah, Seifer and his lab, Andrew (*shudders*), the happy shiny smilie place of angels and stuff, Rosie and the chainsaw, anything that won't die when I want it to, dreams, subliminal messaging, my spells gone awry, the government...and that pretty much covers it.

Favourite article of clothing: My pentagram necklace, my toaster necklace, and the wicked long chain around my wrist. I'm not sure if that counts, but I'd die without those and most of my clothes are expendable anyways.

Shoe size: Umm...heh heh...about a five.

Drink of choice: I drink Diet Coke and Mocha Frappichinos religiously.

Favourite chemical: Proventil, Diflourethane, hydrocloric acid, and whatever that Pepsi stuff we gave Scully and Mulder was...

Most likely to be caught thinking about: Okay, lets see, how can I keep the twins from messing this one [experiment/spell/other] up...?

Favourite blunt object: Candles, definately, although whiteout tubes, inhailer chambers, action figures, and guitar picks come close.

Strangest thing owned: My little blue notebook, no question.

Strangest thing done: Since when have I done anything unexpected or strange? Okay, sure, I've jinxed a few cheerleaders, caused my adoptive mother to go into labor, and ended up in a juvilile detention hall before, but doesn't everyone at some point in thier lives?

Everyday activities: Communing with dead people, using up all the salt in the household, making strange chemical mixtures that are just as likely to be the cure for cancer as they are to summon demons from another dimension, skipping off the Walgreens with Sarah and Maggs, and chatting with my muse over my little blue notebook or computer.

Psychotic level: *sigh* I know, I know, I'm the sane one, okay? Well, unless someone gets me mad, it tends to go up a bit then, but honestly, there's a reason I avoided institutionalization in Brynnsbeth...and placing the spell on the guards there was only a small part of avoiding it, I swear! (aka...sevenish? Probably less, though.)

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