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Mulder belongs to Scully. Scully belongs to Mulder. They both belong to Chris Carter and the fine-feathered folks down at 1013 Productions. "I (did not) made this!" It's all theirs, yadda yadda yadda, we're just obsessed fans...and yes, we really are the spawn of them, but shh...*grimaces* Alright, well we're really twins!

Don't sue, sacrifice, sexually harass, bother, stalk, frighten, discombobulate or call us at late hours. Please. You can direct complaints to either Sarah or Maggie, and we'll either hurt you severely or take care of your problem/s.

This page has been copyrighted by Ducky-Clone Enterprises. "Take our shit and we'll sue the crap out of you!" The only person with permission to use our junk is our dear little big sister, Dani Carter. Any other unauthorized use is worth big bucks, Bucko.

~The Twinny Management