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The Family Reunion

Part one

It was a bright, cold day in April and the clocks were stinking 13, when the EW sisters gathered in their old front yard, the one from the apartment complex. They could almost hear the honk of Stinky as they had many years ago...

Danielle Carter, Margaret Castillo and Sarah Mulder shivered as they stood in their tight circle. Danielle was a a storecleark. Margaret was a Broadway sensation. Sarah was a geneticist. Danielle's curent boyfriend (because she was afraid of commitment)was a professional psychic, and Margaret's husband was corrupted.

Danielle had no children. She refused. Blatantly. She didn't even have maternal instincts. Besides, she had enough nieces and nephews as it was. She ran a small Wicca shop in the outskirts of town and was currently living in sin with her boyfriend of the week.

Margaret had seven children. Amidala, Mark, Roger, Maureen, Joanne, Tom Collins and the baby, Mimi. She was a Broadway star, phenomenal. She starred in movies as well, and sang "This Land is Your Land" every day on live TV.

Sarah was still Frosty the Snowbitch. She refused marriage proposals, though she had been proposed to by everyone on Earth. She took up Dani's early hobby of playing with DNA...and was now running the Mulder lab in Quantico.

They stood and remembered. "Remember the day we got Stinky?" Maggie asked. "The day we got Dani!"

"And the Jello?" Sarah asked.

"And Morley's Pizza?" Dani asked.


Maggie got all teary eyed. "I miss the old days!" she wailed, crying hard. Her makeup ran, and the Paparazzi took her picture. She screamed obscenities and booted her heels up one guy's ass.

"CAN I PLEASE HAVE SOME PRIVACY?" Sarah screamed, almost in tears.

The paparazzi came even closer. Sarah then wipped a smoke bomb out of her trenchcoat pocket and the area was engulfed in low flying clouds. Sarah grabbed at Maggie and Dani and got them inside the building. Once inside, they walked to their old apartment and Sarah collapsed in the doorway. Maggie stepped back. And Dani turned away. The door was covered in fan letters and notes addressed to Maggie, and even a plea from some girl named Karen for Sarah to give her brain surgery.

Sarah got up and started tearing the photos and letters off of the door. Dani joined her, and Maggie followed as well. When the door was clear the number 21 stood out in shining gold. The purple marker number 11 was still barley visible in front of it.

"The angel of glory came down from Heaven and drew it there." Maggie said, remembering an old habit.

"And it was the one song of Glory that brought us here today." Dani replied.

Sarah bent to the ground again but this time with a definite purpose. She placed her hands one after the other 12.5 times (to account for a small amount of growth) along the baseboard of the floor until she reached a secret panel which held a secret key to the apartment. She carefully took the key and opened the door.

"Holy shi..." Maggie said as she saw the condition of the apartment.

The small apartment was exactly as they remembered. Every detail was in place. There was even small amount of food left in the cupboards, including an unopened box of matzo. They walked into the living room and sat on the couch. There was a long silence between them. A while later Maggie got up and walked into the back of the apartment.

Maggie screamed.

Dani got up, walked into the other room. She screamed.

Sarah just sat there.

A few minutes later, Maggie came back into the living room, slapped Sarah, and the two of them walked into the other room. Sarah screamed.

They had all forgotten the strange bedroom set that their parents had left behind after they moved. It was...well...indescribable. On the walls were a few family portraits that never made it to the new house, and in one corner of the room the door to the closet was open. But it wasn't a closet to them... it was home.

They went into their former bedroom and barley all fit in. The beds and the dresser still there. Dani, Maggie, and Sarah each sat on their beds respectively. That was where an idea was born.

Part two

"Pass me your scissors Sarah," Maggie commanded, "I've got an idea"

"That's a Roger Davis!" Sarah responded by launching them at Maggie .

Dani sneezed.

"May the Toaster bless you and keep you." Sarah and Maggie said simultaneously.

"Thanks" Dani replied.

"I just knew it would be here!" Maggie exclaimed as feathers from a pillow started flying.

"Holy Toaster! It's still there!?!?!?!?" Sarah cried.

"Huh?" Dani said, puzzled.

"That was before Dani wasn't it...I had almost forgotten!" Sarah said.

"Sarah, shame on you. How could you forget?" Maggie replied.

"Forget what?" Dani questioned.

"It." the twins responded.

Maggie held up a silver tube, about 6 inches long and about one inch wide. Sarah grabbed one end and Maggie held onto the other. They pulled and the tube opened. Inside was a map drawn with a ceurlean blue crayon, a black sharpie marker, and a small crystal bottle of a brownish liquid.

Dani looked at the twins strangely.

Sarah and Maggie exchanged a glance, grabbed Dani, and ran out of the apartment.

Dani followed the twins as they ran 2 blocks to the right, then another block left, and finally into the park in the center of the city. They ran past the tree that they had climbed the first day that they saw an EBE and they passed two people who looked remarkably like their parents (when they were younger) making out.

"PDA!" Sarah screamed, spooking the couple.

"Come on Sissy!" Maggie said, and they ran off.

Finally they came to what appeared to be a public restroom. The girls ran past the first stall, and the second...when they passed the third, Sarah and Maggie closed their eyes and Dani noticed that on the door there were the words "Out of Order" carved into the door. The twins stopped abruptly at the 4th door.

"Oh doody Maggs, was it 4, 5, or 6?" Sarah asked.

"Duh was..." Maggie stopped suddenly.

"Um.. explain." Dani said, curiously.

"I thought that it was seven." Maggie said.

"Ditto" Sarah chimed in.

"Well..." Dani wondered.

"We must search...and hope that we are wrong." Maggie said rationally.

"I'll take 4" Sarah said.

"I've got 5" Maggie said, "Dani, take 6."

The girls went into their respecive bathroom stalls.

"Damnation!" Sarah screamed.

"Bloody Hell!" Maggie echoed.

Then they both said simultaniously, "We did it again!"

Just then Dani started laughing.

Maggie and Sarah came out of their stalls and stared at Dani, who had fallen on the dirty dirty floor of the public restrooms.

Dani managed to squeak out the words, "The penguin farted a BIG STINKY ONE!"

"What else?" Maggie probed.

"And, and, and..." Dani stuttered.


Dani regained most of her composure. "That's all it says!"

Grins came across the faces of both girls when Maggie took the bottle out of her trench coat pocket and unscrewed the top.

Sarah suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs "POOPY BUBBLES AWAY!!!!!!"

Maggie then took the bottle, produced a bubble wand, and blew a very large amount of dirty looking bubbles from it.

Dani squeaked.

Sarah laughed hysterically.

Maggie blew more poopy bubbles and then stopped.

Sarah abruptly stopped laughing and said very calmly, "Last on in the tree is a Jack Hole!"

Maggie and Sarah ran out of the bathroom leaving Dani alone. Dani took a loose roll of toilet paper, remembering the good old days, and walked out of the bathroom.

Sarah and Maggie started screaming from a nearby tree that Dani was a Jack Hole and other various names that were not good to be screamed in a public place. Dani just looked up at them and threw the roll of toilet paper in their direction. Then her eyes began glowing red and the paper started shifting direction in mid-air, unravelling as it spun around Sarah and Maggie, leaving them tied to the tree trunk before they knew what was going on. Finally, after all the toilet paper was gone, the empty roll split itself in half and two little cardboard pieces stuffed themselves into Sarah and Maggie's mouths, quickly shutting them up. Dani's eyes stopped glowing and she wiped her forehead from the mental exhertion before selimsing evilly at the twins and walking off.

After 21 minutes it started to rain yellow food colouring... and a little while after that the "rain" disintegrated the toilet paper and the twins fell from the tree, wet and yellow.

They promptly ran back to the apartment and found Dani laying on the couch that was pushed over by the window, eating stale Matzo and drinking tap water.

There was a knock at the door.

Dani went to answer it, "Who is it?"

"Stephen Speilburg...Happy birthday Bitch!"

The door burst open and in walked two soking wet and yellow twins.

"Oh shi..." Dani started.

"We're back," the twins said in a strange twinny way.

Then Maggie and Sarah grabbed Dani by her arms and dragged her to the window...then they promptly threw her out of it. The evil twins waited to hear the "thud" for a long while, but finally gave up.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the window and Dani's face appeared in it. Sarah let her in and Dani took her hostage. Maggie ran off into their old bedroom and came back a few seconds later with a glue gun and a stapler.

Maggie ponted the gun at Dani's head, "Drop the twin or you git yur purty red hair gled to that there tiny little forehead of yurs!"

Dani, doing the smart thing, dropped Sarah and Sarah instantly grabbed the stapler from Maggie.

Dani snapped her fingers and the apparation of a Toaster appeared in her hands.

The twins dropped their weapons and bowed to Toaster.

Maggie stood up first, "Truce?"

Sarah got up and glared at Dani, "Well?"

"Truce," Dani said, and the Toaster vanashed.

"Well then," Maggie said, "I think that it is time to go back to being adults...what do you think?"

"Ok," Dani said.

Maggie started for the apartment door and walked out slowly, she walked down the flight of stairs...exactly 13. Then she left the building glancing back once and then jumped over the crack in the walkway, instinctively. She then ran out to the street to call her limo driver.

Dani then left the apartment but she tried to use the elevator...stupid. Then she left by use of the stairs, and went out onto the walkway, tripping over the crack and almost falling, and then went to hail a cab.

Sarah stayed behind. She waited a moment, and then walked over to the dresser in their old room and bent down to get the purple marker that was taped under it. Sarah then took it, walked out of the apartment, and coloured the 11 in a bit darker on the door. She walked away knowing that the angel of glory would watch over her memories just as long as she wouldn't forget them.

the end.

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