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Hit Lists

Mulder walked into a small empty room in the house only to find Dani sitting curled up in a corner, writing in her little blue notebook with a non-BIC green pen. There was a black rose candle lit on the floor beside her. Mulder sighed.

"Not this again!" He exclaimed

"Not what?" Dani asked innocently, looking up at her adopted father

"I told you, no more hit lists."

"No you didn't." She said calmly

"Yes I did."

"No you didn't, but it doesn't matter."

"Any why not?" Mulder asked, a little suspicious

"Because this isn't a hit list. I don't do that anymore." She said, looking back down at her notebook and scribbiling more stuff in it.

"Since when do you not write hit lists?!"

"Since Maggslee and Sarahbellum took them."

"What did they do with them?"

"They fed the lists to Stinky."

Maggie and Sarah walked by the hallway at this point, and hearing the name of their beloved goose, they honked very loudly at Mulder's back, and then ran off giggling. Mulder was just a LITTLE POed by this, forgot about Dani, and went to look for everyone else.


Ari took Samantha and Missy away from thier upset mother. Scully was being particulary bitchy that day, so much that she was practically in tears screaming at the new coffee pot for making her coffee wrong. Mulder had tried to calm her down, but she just started crying, until she hit the Toaster. Maggie and Sarah had screamed, and run off to save their God, and Mulder took Scully away from the kitchen before she messed up the Crisper too, because then where would anyone find the Truth?

Anyways, Ari sat Missy and Samantha down in high chairs. She then took out a banana.

"NANNA!" Missy screamed

"BANA!" Samatha screamed, and the two selims-ed.

"Ban-an-ah." Ari said "Ban-an-ah. So"

Missy and Samantha's eyes widened.

"White." Missy said to Samantha

"Coats." Samantha said to Missy, and both started giggling while Ari looked at them, puzzled. Then Stinky walked by. Missy and Samantha tried to honk at him, but ended up making duck calls. Stinky, amazed by this wonderous noise, looked up to see what it was, but only saw Ari's banana, so he ate it. Ari screamed at the goose, and ran off chasing him, leaving Missy and Samantha trapped in the high chairs making strange bird calls and giggling like lunatics.


Dani sat in her little corner and selims-ed. She knew exactly what was happening in the house today. It was ALLLLLLLL in the little blue book, happening as she wrote it. Or, at least she thought that's how it worked. It was just another one of those freaky things that happens when you're genetic father was a half ah-lien psychic...or was it Marita that was half ah-lien? Oh, well, it didn't matter anyways. She didn't care.

At first, when the little blue book had appeared, it freaked her out, but she gradually got used to it. Now, she could write the present/future if she wanted to, and that had it's advantages occasionally. And she did it when she was bored. It was more freaky and psychotic than anyone would think of her, for most everyone thought she was the most sane person in the house(which was pretty sad).

And at the back of the blue book there was a place for obituaries. She had one of everyone she knew except for Scully. For some reason, she could never seem to "see" Scully's death or whatever. She figured it was because she had had her chance and lived, not that it made a difference. If Scully was going to live forever, that was okay, just so long as she didn't get pregnent anymore. Dani figured EVERYONE was going to be happy when the baby boy, Charlie, finally arrived. And there was another thing, she already knew it was a boy and that his name would be Charlie.

It was just one of those things, she figured. Just another case of psychoticness unreported as of yet. Just another case of Deja Vu...which she had too many times to count.

Anyways, the author of this story figured it was about time to swtich perspective, so Dani started writing more and thinking less.





"The only thing to do is jump over the moon!" Maggie sang

"That's a Roger Davis!" Sarah said

Maggie stood up on a tombstone in the back yard, the one of Diana Fowley, and screamed, "GIVE ME LIBERTY, OR GIVE ME DEATH!"

Sarah sat on the other tombstone, the one of Jeffery Spender, and said "I don't feel like giving you death."

Maggie sat down on her tombstone. "Oh."

They just sat on the tombstones for a little while, before Maggslee asked a question.

"Where's Dani? She usually comes with us on out little misadventures."

Sarah shrugged. "I don't know...she's probably off quietly plotting her revenge against Marita or Ari, for showing off that she has a loving father when poor little formerly square-glasses Dani had to face Marita the ice queen."

Maggie's eyes widened. "What if...what if...what if Marita came back in the night and burried Dani right in one of these tombs?!" Convinced her statement was true, Maggie jumped off the stone and onto her knees and started digging away at the ground near the stone. "DANI!! I'LL SAVE YOU!!!"

Sarah started laughing hysterially at Maggie, and heard a familiar voice giggle. She looked up a tree and saw an open window. Sarah climbed the tree, and looked inside, only to find Dani sitting in a corner below it, giggling as she wrote in some freakish blue book with green pen by a black rose candle. Dani's head shot up and she shouted, "You're not supposed to do that!!" at Sarah, took her stuff, and ran off into the depths of the house. Sarah, puzzled, climbed back down the tree, and went back over to where Maggie was making very little progress trying to dig up the grave.

"Maggie! Stop it already, Dani's just in the house."

Maggie stopped, and looked embarrassed. "Oh..." She bruched off her pants and moved the dirt back into place.

"You know, there's something weird about Dani...something eerily strange...something...evil..." Sarah said thoughtfully.

"No duh, she's a Mulder now!" Maggie said

"No, you dumbass, I'm almost serious! There's something severely wrong with that girl." Sarah said.

Maggie and Sarah looked up at the window.

Mulder ate an onion.

Scully fed Samantha and Missy boiled sunflower seeds.

Ari walked by with Stinky in a choke-hold.


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