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Credit Where Credit is Due, yo!

Well, some of this is credit and some of it is just plain advertisment.

Dani's Domain --> Our dear little big sis. Where would we be without her? Her page kicks butt. It mainly focuses on writings, but there will be other stuff up there soon.

Tazuko Sakamoto is the Coolest Person in the World --> If you don't know who Tazuko Sakamoto is, I'm not surprised. BUT YOU SHOULD! Visit this page and all will be explain. Oh, and don't forget to take the quiz! *laughs*

Walgreens --> Maggie's source of income.

Don't ask any questions about the above. Just go. It's the coolest damn thing I've ever seen on the web. Check out the StinkyFeet archives too! Even cooler! THAT'S ALL YOU DAMN INGRATES GET FOR NOW, SO DEAL WITH IT!

Get the hell outta here