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The Bio of Maggie

Name: Margaret Ann Mulder...better known as Maggie, Maggs, Maggslee, Maggaloo or Hey! You!

Other names lived under: I'll thank you in advance for retracting your previous question. Thank you.

Height: 5'5". I suddenly feel short.

Eye color: Very hazel, mostly green

Hair color: Currently...dark blond with red highlights. I can't say the same for tomorrow.

Birthday: 10-13-1984

Birthplace: There are many theories.

Mother: Dana Scully

Father: Fox Mulder

Siblings: Here we go...Sarah, Ari, Dani, Tea, Missy, Sammie, Charlie. Whew!

Paranoias: Bees, port-a-potties, chicken, BIC PENS, V8 Splash, the little green pills, pizza, the government, and the your mom.

Favourite article of clothing: Umm, it would have to be my blindingly yellow tank top from H&M. Mmmm...yellow...

Shoe size: 8 1/2 to 9.

Drink of choice: Milk, DC, cranberry-tangerine juice, iced tea.

Favourite Colour: I'm gonna have to stick with purple.

Favourite chemical: Acetone - ever thrown pads soaked in it onto a bonfire? AMAZING!

Most likely to be caught thinking about: How I'm going to attack the massive knot in my hair.

Favourite blunt objects: Toasters, all the way!

Favourite PJs: I'm currently into anything comfy.

Strangest thing owned: A huge roll of yellow tape that says "Sheriff's Line...Do Not Cross". It's not really owned, it's more stolen than anything.

Strangest thing done: Ever had a banana thrown at you from seventeen stories up?

Everyday activities: Toasting, bitching, driving, trying to be better than everyone, brushing hair, being a control freak. The norm.

Psychotic level: 10/10 perhaps?

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