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The Official Bio of Mommy

Name: Dana Katherine Scully-Mulder

Other names lived under: Scully, Laura Petrie, and "Mulder, it's me."

Height: *cocks gun*

Eye color: Blue.

Hair color: Red. Drop Dead Red.

Birthday: 2-23-64

Birthplace: You know. That place.

Mother: Maggie Scully, for whom Maggie is named.

Father: William Dead-Ass Ahab Scully

Siblings: Bill, who is an ass, Charlie, who we threw out of a plane and for whom my son is named, and Melissa, who died because Mulder sucked me in.

Paranoias: My girls.

Favourite article of clothing: Does my cross count?

Shoe size: *Brynn* I believe she is an 8...

Drink of choice: Vodka. Straight.

Favourite Colour: Cerulean. It's like a gentle breeze...

Favourite chemical: Oh, there are FAR too many to list.

Most likely to be caught thinking about: Well, I often flip out and wonder if I'm making the right choices. I'm usually thinking along those lines.

Favourite blunt objects: My bedroom furniture and Donny Pfaster's face.

Favourite PJs: I always wear silky ones.

Strangest thing owned: I'm not quite sure how to answer that.

Strangest thing done: Umm, once in Vegas I turned into a slut...

Everyday activities: Making sure my children don't kill anybody, doing autopsies, wasting the FBI's money, writing field reports.

Psychotic level: Hey, I'm the sane one!

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