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What used to be Our Family Photo Album

OK! For those of you who come here often, you will notice that this is not the same page as it used to be. Yuppers, correct. The pics page has died. Due to the new addition of a paralell site (dedicated to the pics that we all know and love)...our pics page is down. Now, if you really want to see what we really look like go here! I.M.G.S.R.C.: A Stalker's Visual Guide To Hicksville

Oh, and another thing...this new page wont really show you pics of the characters (we are working on that) it will just show you who they are based on... and you might need a key for here's the key.

Sarah Katherine Mulder is better known in the real world as Brynnian.

Maggie Ann Mulder got so into these stories is actually called Maggie on the outside world too.

Dani, Call me Dani is also known as Krystyn Poe.

Seifer is usually called Alex.

Rosie Whoo is better known as the pen name for Stacy.

Raven Jane is the alter ego of Annabelle.

Tobias is Dex...he's new.

D'artagnan is loosely based on Nick.

Max is better known as Mark.

Ami is normally referred to as Katy.

Ari, well she used to be based on Jana.

Tèa is very loosely based on Katherine (the short mousy haired one).

Space Cowboy is based on well...the Space Cowboy (if you have to ask you'll never know).

Ratboy, but well, other then being the son of Krychek (we think) Ratboy is purely original.

Missy and Sam are well, made up?

Mulder is nothing like the real Mulder.

Scully is nothing like the real Scully.

And baby Charlie was named after Brynnian's dog. So there.

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