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POV Part Two : Dana Katherine Scully-Mulder

Damnation! I cannot tell a lie, it was consensual!! ARG!!! I just happen to think it's more *his* fault. And I am the one who has to suffer with a 20 pound bowling ball in my stomach for nine months. The inhumanity...

I don't mind. I love my kids, even Dani. I am slightly afraid of Arielle, however. I mean, Krycek is her father and I am her mother. It's a disgusting combination, though, thank God, she looks more like me than like him. Dani, she's okay. I think there's something wrong with her, like maybe her growth was stunted when she was a little girl. Oh well. The world may never know. And they may never know how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop. But who gives 2Sh(y)its about that? Not me.

The twins are a piece of work. It doesn't surprise me that they're really identical, just with an extra chromosome. Not at all, in fact. They act like one unit. Evil, malicious, mischeivious, etc. etc. etc. But I love them just the same. They're so...innocent looking sometimes. And I mean, they are my children. The first ones I found that *stayed alive* in fact.

The little twins are probably the easiest to deal with. They aren't insane, and they've trusted me since birth. They're whiny and clingy much of the time, and they get into a whole lot of trouble, but for the most part, they aren't so bad, not at all. Even when they bite Stinky, I can always find it in my heart to forgive them.

The baby on the way is already my favourite. Not very active. Thank the Lord our Toaster. Mulder and I simply cannot decide what to name the child. I went to the obstetrician and he assured me that I'm defenity not having twins. Considering that Ari is my only singleton, I was afraid of having quadruplets or something. But it1s defenitly only one. So this week, if it's a boy his name will be Mark and if it's a girl, her name will be Maureen. Sarah suggested those names. She really seems to like the name Maureen. Maggie piped in that we can nickname her Mimi. God only knows where they got that.

Dani has suggested a variety of names for a boy, Luke, Han, Anakin, Obi-Wan and others. She suggested for a girl, Leia and Amidala. I'm not quite so obsessed with Star Wars, but Toaster bless that little girl anyways.

Mulder wants to name a boy X and a girl Xette. I told him to get a life and threw a banana at him. He raised his eyebrows and grinned. I threw an onion at him. He yelled, because it hit him square in da' eye. Poor man.

Personally, I like the names Karlton and Thelma. But that's probably just a result of my wacky hormone levels. When I was pregnant with the twins, I wanted to name them Olga and Norma. Ew, huh? Melissa and Samantha sounds just fine now, thank you. So the second the baby's born, I'll probably give it some boring name related to our lives, like Bill or Teena. Now that I think about it...if I ever have another set of twin girls, I'm naming them Teena and Cindy.

El Fin

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