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POV : part four...Danielle Lucetta Seragi Bruckman-Carter-Covarrubias-Kendrick-Mulder

Damn the man, why did I have to get so many last names? It seems like every other week we find out something new about my genetic history, and I've got a new set of parents. Actually, I don't even know if I have it all straight at the moment.

Apparently, I was raised by Eve6 and Chris Carter, but Mulder found me in the street saying that I lived with my mother, Marita Covarrubias, and some guy named Alex Krycek (Ari's Dad) I think. I can't be sure about that. I guess we were all brainwashed to forget I existed. Mulder and Scully are okay people. Scully can be real bitchy sometimes, but that's just because she's pregnant with Charlie. (Don't ask how I know the name of the kid, I just knew.) And I can't stand with when she eats onions. It makes the house smell HORRIBLE! I have to go up to my room and light about a dozen incents and start praying to the gods (and the Toaster) to make the smell go away. If Scully wasn't pregnent, I'm sure she'd be fine. After all, she did adopt me. Anyone who'd do that is okay in my book...I think...

Mulder's pretty cool (I mean, he goes out and tries to abduct aliens for Toaster's sake!), so long as he's not eating onions too! Sunflower seeds I don't mind, but what is with these people and onions? Ugh, I swear I'm going to be allergic to them before long.

Arielle. I don't like her at all, that bitch, and what's with her and bananas? Just as well she's not around that much, because I don't know what I'd do. I'll admit, she can cook, but after that stunt she pulled at Missy and Samantha's christening, she became number one on my hit list. (Okay, so I kinda lied to Mulder about not making them anymore...I do...just not as often.) Maybe I'll just go make a voodoo doll of her. After all, we are at war now.

Sarah and Maggie. They are probably the most coolarifically dudical people I've ever met. They're so malicious and evil, yet strange and wacko in a terrifying way...I love it! They are the most off the wall people I've met, not to mention they worship the Toaster too. Too bad their not also Wiccans, like me. Maybe I'll con them into it sometime. I'd love to have a seance.

Missy and Samantha. What can I say, they're starting to take after their sisters already. They love terrorizing Ariella, but by some milagro, they're normally pretty good when I'm taking care of them. While I don't think they're going to live up to their sisters' reputation, they're going to make one of their own someday.

Charlie. He's not even born yet, but I can tell he'll be the normal one. I guess there had to be at least one.

Stinky the Goose. *HONK!* Stinky's great! He loves terrorizing Ariella too! I've trained him well. *evil grin* Plus, he'll eat the evidence (namely hit lists).

Ella the Duck. I don't really know her that well, but if she's half as crazy as Stinky she'll be okay.

Casper the Albino Snake. I love him to death! Why else would I have gotten him? Okay, granted, scaring Ari was sort of a large factor, but he is absolutely the sweetest snake I have ever seen! Okay, sure, he gets out occasionally, but that doesn't really matter. It's not like he's going to eat any of the twins or Stinky or anything....I hope...

I suppose that's all I have time for. I've got to make another trip to the store where I get all my supplies for Wicca because I'm holding a ceremony tonight. You know, when the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars...never mind.


BTW: Sarah and Maggs have been lying. It's really *thippIt*. That way is right. Their way is wrong. Trust me on this one.

*thippit* <~~ Right! *thippet* <~~ WRONG!!!

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