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POV # 6 - Margaret Ann Mulder

To be quite honest, I'm not the insane little person that I make myself out to be.

I mean, sure, I have my moments, but doesn't everybody? I'm just sort of going along with the crowd.

My father, well, he's sort of insane. But who wouldn't be after devoting your life to hunting down your sister, who is CLEARLY dead. I mean, come on, Dad. What kind of example are you setting for your offspring? He's a good guy underneath it all, although he can be quite insensitive.

My mother is a raging bitch. And why? Because she can be. Because she was pushed around by so many people for so many years, and now that she has kids of her own, she finally has people to push around. Because she can be so manipulative in this manner, we take every possible opportunity to annoy her that we possibly can. Stupid Mommy.

Tea is a hick. I mean, come on, what the fuck? Go back to Texas where you can eat grits and ride ponies all damn day. Her neck is red, and she's slow for Gods sake. The only reason I don't go off on her is because she keeps Dani, the famililess rodent, happy.

Dani's not so bad underneath it all...underneath all that she has, which is not much. I don't understand her paganistic views on life, and the smell of her burning bodies all day is nauseating, to say the least. And her little blue notebook? Give me a break, people. Just get a diary!!!

I have to love Sarah, because she's my twin. Her quacking and chaing get on my nerves sometimes though. I just want to wrap her long hair around her neck and strangle her! AHHHH!!! Well, I suppose she's not so bad, considering we're basically the same people but in different skins. Although I do think that she's truly as insane as I pretend to be.

I hate small children. Missy and Sammie can bite me for all I care.

And Charlie? Well...he's a baby. He's cute to look at, to say the least.

"MAGGS?!?!?! What the hell are you doing???"

I'm writing my POV, Sarahbellie.

"Hey! What the dilly? Why'd you write all that mean stuff about me?"

Well, Ann Smith, I was just trying to show you up.

*maniacal laughter* "Wasn't that a gas?"

Sure it was, Sarah.

Sure it was.