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The Official Bio of Samantha

Name: Samantha Grace Mulder

Other names lived under: Sammie, or Sam

Height: I'm very small. Like a micronesian.

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Dark dark dark brown

Birthday: 11/21

Birthplace: Saint Katherine's, with Missy, my twin.

Mother: Dana Scully

Father: Fox Mulder

Siblings: I think you know this, but just in case, Ariella (Ari), Sarah, Margaret (Maggie), Daniella (Dani), Tea, Charles (Charlie), and my twin, Melissa (Missy).

Paranoias: I'm secretly terrified of my mother.

Favourite article of clothing: My hat that says "I AM NOT HIDING ANYTHING".

Shoe size: I have very small feet, thank you.

Drink of choice: I'm down with milk.

Favourite Colour: Red. Like the glowing eyes of the mothmen in Detour.

Favourite chemical: C4H12O6.. Simple and sweet.

Most likely to be caught thinking about: "Please don't come near me, Mommy."

Favourite blunt objects: My toys, Stinky, my feet, my shoes...anything I can throw to keep my sisters away.

Favourite PJs: They have feeties and a heart cut out of the fabric at the top. Dah-dee calls it a "precaution".

Strangest thing owned: A rotten banana, sent to me from Ari, from beyond the grave.

Strangest thing done: Well, I kept that banana...

Everyday activities: Hanging out with Sammie, admiring my dead rat collection, trying to avoid death from my sisters, leaning to subtract, and so forth.

Psychotic level: I'm a flat 0. The end.

Psychotic level: Hey, I haven't been corrupted...YET!

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