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The Bio of Sarah

Name: Sarah Katherine Mulder aka: Sarahbellum, Sarahbellie, or Sarah B.

Other names lived under: "Ashley", and Dasha Andreavna.

Height: 5'7". Not to shabby.

Eye color: Brown. Uck. But you know, as soon as my eyesight starts to fail, green contacts will be coming.

Hair color: purplish brown. Kinda cute. Except for that white stripe.

Birthday: 10-13-1984

Birthplace: And that would be the million dollar question wouldn't it.

Mother: Dana Scully

Father: Fox(y) Mulder

Siblings: I wanna give a shout out! To Missy, Sammie, Charlie, Dani, Tea, Ari *sniff* and always, Maggie!

Paranoias: Bees, port-a-potties, chicken, BIC PENS, V8 Splash, the little green pills, pizza, the government, and the stalkers.

Favourite article of clothing: Do shoes count? If so, i cant choose. If not, its the green/yellow/pink tyedye hoodie of doom!!!

Shoe size: 6 UK.

Drink of choice: DC, Verners Gingerale, carbonated water, and cranberrygrapefruit juice.

Favourite Colour: stripes?

Favourite chemical: Acetone. So easy to acquire, and so so much fun.

Most likely to be caught thinking about: How to maintain my cool exterior in any situation. Or my shoes.

Favourite blunt objects: Toasters! Bowling balls, chipmunks, and socks.

Favourite PJs: A green and silver "Slytherin" rugby shirt and black pants that read "Its all about me".

Strangest thing owned: My 3 lb. silver pawn

Strangest thing done: Technically, i dont think this counts. I mean, juvenile police records are tossed after you turn 18 right?

Everyday activities: Frolicking, Toasting, being prissy, being bossy, living up to my title of Frosty the Snow Bitch, being ridiculous, and enjoying myself.

Psychotic level: WHEEEEEEEEE!!! I WIN! *selims*

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