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POV : Sarah Kathrine Mulder

"Sarah, stop that."

"Sarah Katherine, stop it."

"Damnit! Now look what you've done."

These are the words that i hear all too often in my life... a life of insanity, a life of confusion, a life of crime. Yes, Crime. There is no greater crime then to hide ones own identity from their "family".. and I Sarah Katherine Mulder have decieved them.

My real name is Ann Smith, I am currently imployed with the Department of Justice, and on January 13, 1998 I was assigned an undercover assignment. This assignment was first to kidnap the real Sarah Mulder and then to go in as a replacement. The Department of Justice chose me for this assignment because not only am I very good with make-up, but because I have a knack for dressing strangely.

I have been keeping extensive notes and writing many reports about my progress to superior agents without any knowledge of what they were looking for. I was never told of any real assignment, so I just posed as Sarah Mulder...and I received my paycheck.

When they were preparing me to take this assignment i was apprehensive about it...they altered my DNA as well as implanting several metal devices into the skin in several areas of my body. My existence was completely erased from all databases and my family was brutally murdered. i was forced to spend hours upon of hours learning defense strategies that would work against the twin sister Maggie, and even more trying to train my mind to work like that of a teen again. None of this training prepared me for what I found when I came here.

My incidents as Sarah included such horrors as Jell-O leaking from the ceiling, being forced to drink all the Diet Coke that i could possibly consume, the smell of onions, living with enough small children to make you vomit, Moreley's pizza, little potions and weird ideas from a mousy looking short kid, awful smells, dead rats, the abductions, high school, and probably worst of all, living with a bitchy, firey red head for a mother.

The family is pure evil, I swear! Fox, the father, is a total nutcase. He spends all of his time working on those paranormal investigations and all that other alien crap. Dana, the mother, like i said, is a bitch! Granted, i watched her go through the stages of pregancy, she still is a bitch. Maggie, my "twin", has more problems and energy then she can handle. The mousy little teen, Dani, is a handful, she's almost normal...but she has a tendancy to like to play with genetic matter and cast spells on unilling sisters. The little hick, Tèa, is well...annoying, and she has no taste what so ever. The tiny ones, Samantha and Missy, their okay...if they ever shut up! It was better when they couldn't talk bacause now all they say are strings of unrelated words that are only good to make other people stare. As for the baby, Charlie is fine. Totally normal as far as I'm comcerned. There are too many damn pets in the house though. The bloody goose, and the stupid duck, and whatever other fowl that is living in the backlard...then there's the cat, and there are fish...and the evil white snake. That thing scares the crap out of me. Like i said...evil.

Wow...these past two years have really been hell. I must remember never to take undercover assignments again. This family has really run me ragged, but there is now turning back...i am Sarah Mulder until the DoJ tells me otherwise. I have n

"Hey Sarah!"


"Get the Hell down here! Mommalee wants you."

o idea what else to say...other then that

"Sarah!, what in Toaster's sake are you doing?"


"...I am Sarah Mulder unil the DoJ tells me otherwise...? Sarah, you and your little stories."

"Yeah, little stories"

"Mom wants us for dinner, come on."

"Whatever you say Maggs...whatever you say."

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All the way back to the cheese factory