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Darth Maggie, Queen Saridala and Dani Starkiller

a story written by Krys and Sarah

---NOTE: the following events parallel those of real life---


"You want me to WHAT?!" Sarah exclaimed

"Dress up as my mother." Dani said

Dani was dragging the twins to see STAR WARS Episode One: The Phantom Menace, and was forcing Sarah to dress up. Maggie loved the idea and went to get a costume right away. Dani ended up being Luke (in all black, of course) by wearing a black karate jacket over her usual outfit, and borrowing some knee-high boots from Maggie, which Dani was ALWAYS complaining were too big. And she found one of her mother's black gloves to wear on a hand. She dug out her green lightsaber (for she had many colours of them) and was ready to go.

Next Maggie came down the stairs.

"Holy shi..." Sarah said

Maggie was wearing all black with a huge black robe over it. She took one of her dog collars, broke off the spikes, and made them into horns which she painted the appropriate colours to play Darth Maul. Her face was painted with red and black zig-zags, which she was still trying to fiddle with a bit because she claimed that they weren't quite right.

Sarah took in the scene.

"Okay, fine! If you two are going out in public looking like fools, I'M going to out do you!!" She screamed before running up the stairs.

So Maggie and Dani had lightsaber duels for the next hour while waiting for her highness, Queen Saridala, to appear.

Finally, Sarah stumbled down the stairs in a full red quilted dress with black fur trimming, her hair poofed out like Amidala in all the promo pics, and her face was white with that tacky make-up. She was almost the exact image of Amidala in all the promo pics, except for the doc martins.

"Mommy!" Dani Starkiller screamed "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Cut the crap, lets go before this tent gives me a wedgie." Queen Saridala said

Darth Maggie picked up her light-staff and growled.

So, all EW caught the bus to the Natick Mall to see the movie. Of course, they sat in the front row and acted out all the scenes as they played, lightsaber battles included. No one dared stop them.

When the movie was over, they refused to leave. Maggie started threatening the ushers with her lightstaff. One of the ushers, who name just HAPPENED to be Levitt, was nearly killed when Darth Maggie attacked him with her lightstaff. Saridala stole Dani's lightsaber and finished the job. They disposed of the body in a dumpster behind the theater and went home.

(BTW, Dani stole the lightsaber back and tried to decapitate Saridala on the way back home. Darth Maggie split her lightstaff in half so everyone was equal.)

When they got home, they found Mulder and Scully in front of the TV, actually watching the news for once. The TV was reporting on a missing usher named Levett. All EW girls grinned.


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