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That Tobias Dude

Name: Tobias ********** (last name classified)

Other names lived under: Dex, Agent Dex, Shugotenshi

Height: About 5'7-8"

Eye color: Depends, normally, they're blueish, but during a spell, or while using any magick-related thing, they change colors depending on the type of thing/spell (e.g. fire=red, water=blue, earth=brown), It's kind'a inconvenient, 'cus people know when he's up to something

Hair color: Almost all Raven black, but it's shock white in two stripes along the front. No real reason for it, he just kind'a Came assembled that way

Birthday: October Thirteenth, Ninteen Eighty Two (I like spelling numbers out like that)

Birthplace: Unknown (presumed classified)



Siblings: Cassie and Alex *NOT CLASSIFIED, take 'em if you want*

Paranoias: Clowns, Black Magick Users, Dani when she's Pissed, Maggie and Sarah Anytime (but especially behind the wheel)

Favourite article of clothing: Many different things, Sometimes (during summer) His Birkenstock Sandals (or occaisionally his Doc Martens, but he prefers Birks), or during winter, His Cool, floor length Leather Coat (although he can be seen wearing this on any given day, depending on his mood, or if he's packing Sugar (brown sugar)

Shoe size: 9 to 10, it fluctuates from brand to brand, in Birks, he's a 9, though.

Drink of choice: Diet Coke!!!!!!!!!! Just for the taste of it... Diet Coke! (gotta love old commercials on video tapes ^_^)

Favourite chemical: Descant Silica Gel. *nodsies* Comes in EVERYTHING leather-ish!*laughs* Or maybe it's Diflourathane? I dunno.....

Most likely to be caught thinking about: Probably Magick in some form, possibly dreams or the dreamscape (his recent learning endeavor)

Favourite blunt object: His Real Life, working (and powerful) Garnet Orb and Garnet Rod (Go sailor pluto! She's real, I tell ya! REEEEAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Strangest thing owned: See above ^_^ *laughs*

Strangest thing done: Recently? Or Ever? I'll go with Recently, that would probably be casting a Magick circle with Brown Sugar (Dani used up all the friggin' salt!!!!! ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVEN THE KOSHER SALT!!!!!!!!)

Everyday activities: School, Work, Saving the UNiverse, Contacting Aliens, Uncovering Coverups, Completing Coverups, all the usual stuff.

Psychotic level: *piku piku?* OH! like on a Scale of One-toooooooo-Teeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnn? I dunno, read the profile! you guess!!! SEE PREVIOUS QUESTION! YOU FIGURE IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!(ten)

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