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The Unfolding of Dani

Part Two : Musings...

Upon entering Walgreens, they had to dodge crime sceen tape, for a murder had recently been comitted there. Sarah and Maggie used their credentials to take a good look at the dead body and exclaimed in joy when they found it to be PLevitt.

Next, they each went over and grabbed a diet coke. Maggie grabbed Cape Cod Salt&Viniger chips. Sarah grabbed a bag of Lays Sour Cream&Onion. Dani grabbed Smartfood, White Chedder, of course.

Next, they went their separate ways. Maggie got a pod of facial glitter. Dani got some Pilot Green Pens. Sarah got a toothbrush. They all met up at the chapstick. Maggie got Blue Crazeberry. Sarah got Fresh Mint. Dani got original, because the cover was black.

At the register, Maggie ran up a bill of $5.08 in exact change. Dani rang up a bill of $6.32, handing the person $7, and getting 68 cents in change. Sarah rang up a bill of $5.87, but before she allowed the pimple-faced teen behind the counter to ring it up, she demanded that the cashir set the time back so it read 10:13 on the receit. She got her 13 cents in change, and they all casually walked out.

They walked out and made a sharp righthand turn going to Pizza Wagon for a little lunch. (Turkey sandwiches, pizza's disgusting.) But instead, they found that the Pizza Wagon sign had been taken down, and all that was left was a neon sign in the window reading "Fresh, Hot Pizza". Being very curious, and very ditzy, they walked in.

"May I help you girls?" The scary old man hiding in the shadows behind the counter asked

"Um, we just wanted turkey sandwiches from Pizza Wagon." Dani said way to enthusiastically (on purpose).

"Pizza Wagon is no longer in this location, but we will be here to serve your pizza eating needs." The scary old man said

"We don't like pizza." Maggie said

"Then get out of my store." The man said before blowing the smoke off his cigarette.

"No! I demand an answer! What happened to my Pizza Wagon?!" Sarah exclaimed

"You'll find out in good time." The man said, then snapped his fingers.

"That's when the guys came up behind us and smacked us in the back of the head with pans," Dani wrote "because we were asking too many questions."

To part Four (did you honestly think there would be a part...yuck?)

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