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The Unfolding of Dani

Part Five : Never Again

"Now, Dani, you are a very special girl." Dr. Haines continued.

"Oh no, what did I do now?" Dani asked

"Nothing, but I'd like focus on you for a minute..."

"Why would you want to talk with the freak?" Maggie cracked

"I mean, yeah, she's just a little ah-lien." Sarah added

"Well, actually, Dani's a very special girl..."

"You said that." Dani said. "Cut the crap and tell me what's wrong."

"Fine then. You have 56 chromosomes."

Sarah and Maggie burst out laughing.

Dr. Haines continued, "We found this beyond belief, so we checked a little farther. Now, Dani, do you know anything about genetics?"

"Yes, it's my hobby. I like playing with DNA. Now get on with it." Dani said

"Well then, we found striking abnormalities with you as well. The main one being that instead of having 4 nucleotides, you have seven. Two of them only pair with each other, and the other only pairs with itself. This is unheard of and can only be extra-terrestrial in nature."

"Woohoo!" Dani exclaimed. "I really am an Ah-lien!!" Her temper changed completly, and in an instant she was totally serious. "Can I name them?" she asked.

"Sure." Dr. Haines said. "It's your DNA."

"Okay, the two that pair only with each other are Saricyne and Maglicyne. And the one that pairs with itself is..."

"This is an extremely huge scientific discovery, and you should be part of it. After all, it's your DNA." Dr. Haines interrupted.

"Okay, I'll be selfish. It's Danicyne."

"Alrighty then. So, DAni, do you know anything about your biological parents?"

" Well, last I heard, they're a psychic named Bruckman and the special representitive to the secretary general of the UN, Marita."

"Last you heard?"

"I hear many stories."

"Well, then you are some freak of nature, child."

"Thank you."

Dr. Haines' pager went off. "We'll continue this next week. Come see me at your conveniance." He handed Dani a business card and everyone left the room as Mulder walked in.

"What the hell was that all about?" Mulder asked.

"They know we're clones." Sarah and Maggie said

"And I'm an ah-lien." Dani said.

"Whatever you say, girls." Mulder said.

"Then we checked out of the hospital, and drove back to the Mulder "Mansion". While driving back, we passed Walgreens, and the saw someone at the former home of Pizza Wagon putting up a sign saying "Morley's Pizza"." Dani finished writing the story in her notebook and left to take care of an argument between Spooky the Goldfish and Stinky the Goose.


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