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The War : part two

Ari held a medalion in front of Maggie's eyes, swinging it back and forth slowly, while chanting, " will obey me and only will dispose of Dani and Sarah, you understand? KILL! KILL 'EM! KILL 'EM ALL! MUAHAHAHAH! DO IT! DO IT NOW!" She paused and got the psycho look out of her eyes before continuing. "Anyways, just do what I say. You hate Sarah, and you hate Dani even more. SO go get rid of 'em, okay? Goood girl..." She stopped swinging the pendent and snapped her fingers. Maggie woke up.

"Where am I? Did I blow off Auntie Em?" Maggie asked

"Sorry, slave girl. What is your mission?" Ari asked

Maggie thought a moment. "To kill Sarah and Dani?"

"Yes! IT WORKED!" Ari cheered "Now go...kill 'em! KILL 'EM ALL!!"

"Why?" Maggie asked

They're the root of all evil! The scum of this universe!" Ari exclaimed

"But isn't Sarah my sister?" Maggie asked curiously

"Never mind that, just kill 'em."

"Oh, okay."


Dani sat Sarah down on her black futon and crouched down in front of her. Dani gazed into Sarah's eyes (*Dani* I do not gave at Sarah!), and Sarah knew.

"What is your mission?" Dani asked in monotone

"Your mission is to eliminate the others." Sarah replied, in monotone as well

"Acceptable." Dani snapped and Sarah walked out of the room.


Maggie and Sarah exited the respective rooms, Sarah muttering "Must eliminate others.", and Maggie muttering "Must kill Dani and Sarah". The two spied each other across the rails that kept them from falling two stories onto the first floor. They calmed walked around until they were face to face.

"Hey girlfriend." Maggie said

"Hey." Sarah said

Sarah went for legs and dove down towards Maggie, while Maggie was going for the head and ended up flipping over Sarah, neither one touching the other. They ran to their respective corners, and then charged towards each other, and they ended up smacking their heads against each other and falling back. Maggie was the first to recover, and she took Sarah by the wrists and flung her over the railing, but didn't drop her. She couldn't. Maggie let go, but Sarah hung onto the railing hard.

Maggie started picking off fingers one by one. "DIE EVIL SCUM!"

Sarah replaced each finger Maggie took off and made vallient attempts to get the rest of her body standing on the ground.

Dani came out and found Maggie about to murder her sister, and Ari saw the same thing.

"Maggie! Stop!!" Ari screamed, realizing what was going to happen

"DIE EVIL SCUM!" Maggie shouted down at Sarah, paying Ari no mind.

Ari looked frantically at Dani and yelled "Make them stop, Dani!!!"

Dani just nodded calmly at Ari, and went back into her room.

Maggie continued to pick off fingers and Sarah began to slip closer and closer...

Just then, Dani screamed and there was a huge flash of light that blinded everyone. Maggie let go of Sarah for a half second, and Sarah fell, but Maggie grabbed onto her again and pulled her up, before both passed out.


After nine minutes had passed, Ari came to her senses. Sarah and Maggie were still lying on the floor, but other than being unconcious seemed fine. Dani's door had blown open, and Ari could see that Dani was lying in the middle of the pentagrm on her floor, looking rather dead. Ari ran downstairs to find Mulder.

"Mulder! We lost nine minutes! And there's something wrong with Sarah and Maggie and I think Dani's dead!!!" She screamed frantically

Mulder's head shot up. "Not again!!!" (he was obviously referring to alien intervention). He then ran upstairs, Ari following, and knelt down by them, saying "Come back to me, girls! Please come back!"

Maggie's eyes opened. "Okay, Dah-dee."

Sarah opened her eyes, giggled maniacally, and then managed to say, "Hi cutie!"

Mulder thought she sounded like her mother. He hugged both of the girls tenderly, and they returned the hug as much as they could in their dazed state. Maggie then shook her head, trying to clear it, and seemed to be pretty much okay, but Sarah was still really out of it. "Where's Dani, call me Dani?" Maggie asked

"DEAD! SHE'S BLINKING DEAD!!!" Ari shouted "At least I think so..."

Mulder, Ari, and Maggie ran around the balcony and into Dani's room, but right before entering Mulder realized they weremissing a twin. He ran back, scooped up the still-dazed Sarah, and followed Maggie and Ari into Dani's room.

Dani was still there, lying very very still on her floor. Ari started sobbing very loudly. Just then, Scully came home from the salon, heard the commotion upstairs, and ran up.

What Scully found surprised her. Mulder was kneeling on the floor next to Dani, Ari was in a corner, bawling her eyes out, Sarah was half-concious on the futon, while Maggie was crying silently while petting Sarah. The scene looked grim.

Mulder looked up at Scully. "She's dead...I think."

Scully came in, snapped into doctor mode, and checked for Dani's pulse and breathing. They were non-existant. Scully was about to start CPR, but Mulder held an arm out to stop her, a mournful look in his eye.

"There's nothing you can do." Mulder said, and hugged Scully.

After a long while, Scully finally stood up and said, "I have to make a phone call." and she walked out slowly. Mulder followed, Ari close behind him, still sobbing. Maggie helped Sarah up, and lead her out of the room.

Just as Maggie was closing the door, Dani's body started coughing and she said in a hoarse, but sardonic, voice, "Gee, it's really nice to know someone cares!"

Maggie whirled around, dropping Sarah, who grabbed onto the doorknob, and jumpd onto Dani, who was trying to sit up, and hugged her so hard Dani couldn't speak.

"SHE'S ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!" Maggie screamed, causing the room to be flooded with people again.

"Congradulations on your first appearance in the X-Files!" Mulder said, and gave her a hug, while trying to pry Maggie off of Dani, so she could breathe.

"That call can wait for about 75 years." Scully said, and hugged Dani, and managed to pull Maggie off of her.

Ari started sobbing again while hugging her Dani. "I'm sorry! I never meant for anything to happen!"

Dani, who could now breathe, managed to hug her back, and said, "I'm sorry too."

Maggie latched onto Dani again. "I never want to kill you again!" she cried

Sarah, only slightly dazed now, walked into the room, sat on the futon, gazed at Dani (*Sarah* I did! I admit it! I gazed! Are you happy now?), and muttered the words, "Thanks a lot, bitch."

"Sarah, what have I told you about casual swearing?" Scully asked

"Sorry, mom." Sarah mumbled

Dani got up off the floor, and walked obver to Sarah, and gave her a hug. Sarah hesitated a second, but hugged her back.

"KODAK MOMENT!" Maggie screamed

"But what about the nine minutes?" Ari inquired

"Whoops." Dani said


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