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Special Crockpot Chili

3 med. onions, chopped .......................2 Tbls. red wine vinegar
4 med. green peppers, chopped............2 Tbls. firmly packed brown sugar
2 ribs celery, sliced ..............................1 Tbls. chili powder
6 carrots, thin sliced .............................1 tsp. oregano
1 clove garlic, minced ...........................1 tsp. ground cumin
2- 16 oz. crushed tomatoes ................1 tsp. salt (omit for salt restricted diets)
2- 15 oz. red kidney beans, drained ..........(NO meat)
2- 8oz. tomato sauce

Throw it all into the crock pot and cook it all day.

Beans and Rice

1 lbs dry pinto-beans ...................................1 package of brown gravy mix
2 large onion, cut into quarters ..................1/2 cp chopped fresh green onions
Salt to taste ..............................................2 cps of rice
2 cloves of garlic ......................................(NO meat)

Soak beans overnight to reduce gas, if you like. Drain and rinse beans, discarding the ones that float. put the beans in the crockpot, then put the onion and garlic in on top of them. Add enough water to be twice the volume of the beans, and turn the crock-pot on high for at least 4 hours, if the beans were soaked first, 6 hours, if they were not. Once the beans are cooked, but the water is still clear (add about a cup more hot water, if it is not clear) add the rice, and let cook for another 45 minutes to an hour, mix in the gravy-mix and green onions, and cook for another 15 minutes.

Vegetarian Chili

2 onion .................................................2 cans each of red, white, black beans
4 small squash(Yellow or zucchini )...........2 cups prepared brown rice
1 small garlic clove ..................................1/8 tsp. powdered red pepper
12 oz. mushrooms ...................................1 tsp. cumin
2 large can tomatoes ................................2 tsp. oregano or chili seasoning

Chop vegetables and lay on bottom of crock pot. Add tomatoes, seasonings, beans, and rice. Do not mix together. Turn crock pot to low and let cook 6-8 hours. Stir mixture and return lid just before you are ready to eat, while you set table.


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