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1 15oz can kidney beans - rinse/drain.................1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
1 15oz can garbanzo beans - rinse/drain.............1/2 cup olive oil
1 15oz can black beans - rinse/drain..................6 Tbl sugar
1 15oz can whole pitted black olives/drain...........1 Tbl chopped fresh basil
1 med. green pepper - thinly sliced.....................3/4 tsp. round mustard
3 green onions - thinly sliced

In a large bowl combine all ingredients and chill for 5 hours.

Chicken Salad ala Lazarus

2 cans Swanson chicken. drained........1 tiny can sliced black olives, drained
1 cup green grapes, halved....................Hellman's mayo, (enough to hold together)

slivered almonds.................................1 egg, chopped
cherry tomato wedges.........................crumbled crisp onion rings

Serve on a lettuce bed or thinly sliced french bread or toasted bread. Great party dish.

Warm Potato Salad with Beer Dressing

Potato Salad:
2 1/2 pounds red potatoes.......................1/2 C. chopped sweet onions
1/4 C. finely chopped parsley........................2 Tbs. chopped chives

Boil the potatoes until tender, with a pinch of salt, about 20 minutes. Remove, let them cool. Slice, but don't mash. Gently peel the 1/4" round slices. While they are still warm, gently fold them with the onions, parsley, and beer dressing. Salt and pepper to taste. If desired, garnish with chopped chives or parsley. Best served warm or at room temperature.

Beer Dressing:
6 Tbs. olive oil.................................1/2 C. finely chopped sweet onions
3/4 C. light flavored ale.....................3 Tbs. cider vinegar
1 Tbs. Dijon mustard........................1/2 tsp. sugar
Saute the onions in 2 TBS oil until tender. Add beer, vinegar, and sugar boiling for 5 minutes. Put into a food processor with the mustard. Turn it on, slowly pour in the remaining olive oil. Enough for 2 1/2 pounds potatoes.

Broccoli Salad

2 big bunches of broccoli, just the florets............1/2 cup sugar
1 cup of shredded sharp cheese........................2 tbsp. vinegar
1 cup miracle whip (or mayonnaise)...................1 lb. of bacon

Clean broccoli, drain well, and cut up. Fry or nuke bacon til crisp, drain WELL and cool. Combine in a separate small bowl the miracle whip, sugar, and vinegar. Mix well until blended. Put the broccoli in a large bowl, add crumbled bacon, cheese, and then the miracle whip mixture. Toss until everything is coated. Refrigerate.

Mom's Best Potato Salad

3 lbs. potatoes....................................6-8 dill pickle spears, chopped
1 large onion, chopped..........................salt
2 cups Hellmann's Real Mayo................3 hard boiled eggs, sliced
paprika, parsley

Boil potatoes until tender. Cut into bite sized pieces (try not to mash them). Add chopped pickles, onion, salt, and mayo. Gently fold to mix. Garnish with eggs, paprika, and parsley. Refrigerate


Watergate Salad

1 20oz. can crushed pineapple......................1 small box pistachio pudding
1 8oz. cool whip..........................................1 cup nuts (any kind)
1 1/2 cup mini marshmallows

Mix all together and chill for 1 hour.


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