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About me!

Mindy was a fine upstanding citizen in her community. Until that fateful day! Mindy was riding her horse through the park when one of the local boys (the ones that didn't like her, none-the-less) decided to try to scare her! He jumped out of the bushes right into the horses path, and the horse reared up. Mindy fell off the horse into the lake. Now, unbeknowest to everybody in her town, there was a rogue dolphin living in that lake. Dolphins are normally gentle creatures, but this one has watched all the Jaws movies and thought he was Jaws. To make a long story short, the dolphin ate Mindy, then ate the horse, and then ate the boy that scared the horse. Then the dolphin came out of the water and started to terrorize the town. Nobody knows when he'll strike next! Lock your doors, close your windows, and for god's sake, don't have tuna cans lying around in your kitchen. Tuna cans provoke him.
Oh yeah! We'll miss you Mindy!
