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Breakaway Magazine Article (August 1996)

Authentic Faith
Jaci Velasquez thinks staying close to Christ is cool.

       In her spare time, 16-year-old Jacquelyn Davette Velasquez (Jaci) likes to go rock climbing, play laser tag, watch old movies on TV and hang out with her friends at the mall.
       Oh, did we mention that she also writes songs, performs concerts coast to coast and spends the rest of her spare time in recording studios? But Jaci was happy to talk about being a teenager in the '90s and about the qualities modern girls look for in guys. Care to listen in?

Real Christianity is COOL.
       Christian guys who try too hard to act cool end up looking goofy--and that's a big turnoff. Not worrying so much about pleasing the crowd and being confident in who you are as a Christian catches my attention.
       Beind cocky is a major turnoff, too. When guys put up a cocky front, I never know if they're being real. I like guys who are outgoing, confident, yet sensitive around girls.

Being PUSHY pushed me away.
       Don't come on too strong, too fast . . . thinking, Man, I just gotta have a girlfriend. I'm gonna ask her out. Get to know a girl and focus on friendship.
       If you want to get to know me, this is my advice. I had an uncomfortable experience with a guy who operated way too fast. I met him at a skating rink. He came up to me and started talking. That was fine. But when he asked me out on a date right away, I was kind of like, "I don't know you! Forget it."
       The best way to get to know girls is by going out in groups. Then you don't feel overwhelmed with pressure, and you're free to talk and have fun.

Girls love ROMANCE -- and guys who are willing to be romantic.
       My face is turning all red, but I'm going to be honest. One of my favorite things is to watch classic movies on TV and cry my eyes out. I know, most Breakaway readers probably think I'm weird. But I've got news for you: A lot of girls love romance, too. We especially like it when guys do romantic things--such as giving us flowers and cards.

SELF-CONTROL catches my attention.
       Too many teenagers--even Christian ones--take sex way too casually.
       I have a song on my album called "I Promise." It's about how I promise to wait for my husband. That's probably thw stongest thing burning in my heart on the whole record. I know people are making that pledge to stay pure, and I think that's the greatest thing. Be strong in your faith and your walk. If you haven't already, make that promise of purity and bring it in your life.
       I know it sounds dumb to say, "Look at me, I'm a virgin and I'm cool." But it's not. I'm not embarrased about it. And I'm attracted to guys who have made up their minds to stay pure and aren't shy about sharing it.

Copyright © 1996. For independent scholarship and/or purposes of review only.

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