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Jaci's Favorite Things

Just Jaci (on the beach)

"I know I'm different from most of you because of what I do for a living, but basically I'm a lot like you because I need and cherish my friends, family, coworkers, and most importantly my connection to the Lord." -- Jaci Velasquez (from A Heavenly Place)

NOTE: These have been collected from various articles as early as 1996. Some of these are bound to have changed!

Actor: Antonio Banderas
Actresses: Claire Danes, Gwyneth Paltrow
Album: Any Amy Grant Album
Bible: Youth Walk Devotional Bible
Bible Verse: Romans 1:16-17
Book of the Bible: Esther
Books: Great Expectations ­ Charles Dickens, The Problem of Pain - C. S. Lewis
Bubble-gum: Cotton Candy­ Bubble Yum
CD's: Plumb ­- Johnatha Brooke and the Story, Luck of the Draw -­ Bonnie Raitt, Lead Me On -­ Amy Grant, My Utmost for His Highest, A Distant Call - Susan Ashton
Charitable Organization: True Love Waits Program
Childhood Memory: Waiting for my big brothers to come home from school.
Color: Blue
Designer: Moschino
Dessert: Ice Cream - Bubble-gum flavor, though "when I'm in California, it's Chocolate Mocha Crunch" - Thrifty's brand
Flowers: White Tulips
Food: Chinese, or her Mother's Green Chile Chicken Cheese Casserole
Football team: Dallas Cowboys
Happiest Time: When all the family is together for Christmas
Hobbies: Talking on the phone, driving my car, shopping, rock climbing, water-skiing, paintball
Jewelry: "My purity necklace. It's a silver chain with a silver ring on it, and the ring says 'I promise.' It's a constant reminder of my pledge to stay sexually pure 'till marriage..." Jaci also has 4 promise rings.
Lipstick color: Red
Movies: Pocahontas, Romeo and Juliet (old & new), Lassie Come Home
Music: Oldies
Nail Polish Color: Black
Perfume: Coco by Chanel
Pet: Dallas, her Maltese puppy dog
Pizza: Plain cheese
School Subject (Best): History
School Subject (Favorite): English, Literature - Greek Mythology
School Subject (Worst): Math
Shoe: Boot (not a cowboy boot, but Doc Martin kind)
Shopping: Thrift shops ("I'm a real bargain hunter"), U.S. Male, the Limited, Neiman-Marcus (of course I can't afford anything in there!)
Shopping Mall: The Mall of America ("Is it not awesome?")
Singer: Johnatha Brooke
Song: anything from the 50’s and 60’s
Sport: Football, Figure-Skating
State: Texas (she was born in Houston)
Store: All of them!
Toothpaste: Colgate
TV Show: Touched By an Angel, My So Called Life
Vacation Spot: New York City
Wallpaper Design: Paisley

Web site designed and maintained by Michael-David R. Bradford
